Tag: 70273 recap (Page 3 of 7)

Week 45 in Review (December 19-25, 2016)

Week 45 was a week of whacking off my hair, bidding the baseball cap adieu, and letting my roots shine through (which may or may not be a metaphor)
while saying, in the words of The Immortal Popeye,
I yam what I yam.

It was a week of family . . .

Calder Ray and his Great Grandmother, YeaYea

Calder Ray and his Aunt Floozie

Calder Ray and The Engineer

The Famdamily at Winter Lights at the NC Arboretum

The famdamily bags a tree. Story to follow separately.

a week of food . . .

Making cookies

He likes toys

and he likes ribbons

but sweet potatoes off his mama’s plate? Not so much.

It was a week of appreciating,
of laughing,
of singing, dancing,
and taking long walks . . .

and sometimes of sleeping . . .

Aaaannnnndddddd . . .
for all of you in the Facebook 70273 Group Campfire . . .

It was also a week of receiving blocks and cards from:

Karla Nitz (WI, USA)
Barbara Winfield (MD, USA)
Caroline Rudisill (TX, USA)
Jill Hagemeier  (IN, USA)
Susan Molina (IN, USA)
Paul Koby (IN, USA)
Pam Patterson (TX, USA)
enough to bring our block count total to . . . 6699!

Just look at that number, y’all: 6699.
You can turn it upside down and have the same number!
That’s gotta’ be a sign, right?

It was also a week of pondering and percolating
as I plan for 2017.
And oh what goodness is in store,
so be sure you subscribe or join or follow, follow, follow
so you don’t miss out.

Week 44 in Review (December 12-18, 2016)

This week, I received noticed that Quilt 1 of The 70273 Project has been juried into QuiltCon 2017 in Savannah, GA, so congratulations to us!

Thank you to this week’s Angels for sending financial donations:
Francis Holliday Alford.
Please keep The 70273 Project in mind if you do any end-of-the-year giving. The 70273 Project, Inc. is a 501(c)3, and you will receive a receipt for tax purposes. (I’m sending those out the week after Christmas, and hereby promising faithfully to be more prompt in 2017.) Your donations are greatly appreciated as we gear-up for finishing the blocks in 2017.

And thanks to these people for stitching and sending blocks:
Maïté (France)
Kay Portness (VA/USA)
Donna Berman (USA)
Nadia Berman (USA)
Shelly Burge (NE/USA)
Linda Kemp (Lower Hutt, New Zealand)
Margaret Williams (GA/USA)
Sandy Martin (Soda Springs, ID)
Kathi Davis Thompson (Soda Springs, ID)
Sharon Berg (Soda Springs ID)
Becky Smith (Montplier, ID)
Gail George (Soda Springs, ID)
Joan Dobbs (Soda Springs, ID)
3 Anonymous

With the blocks I received in week 44, we now have 6639 blocks, which means we’ve commemorated 6639 people. Give yourselves a hand, y’all!

Thanks for all the drop-dead gorgeous cards, too. You’ve really brightened my daze.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled holiday chaos!

Week 43 in Review (Dec. 5-11, 2016)

We’ve been down in Georgia helping our daughter move, but I’ve still managed to find time to get some chores ticked off the long to do list for The 70273 Project, and I left plenty for later.

Deena Sanders and The Tree City Quilters invited The 70273 Project to display a quilt in their 2017 quilt show to be held in Gainesville, Florida on May 6 and 7 of next year.  I’ll be sharing more information closer to time, but if you’re in the vicinity, go ahead and put it on your calendar.

Encouraged by Janine Morrell, I submitted a quilt to QuiltCon East to be held in Savannah, GA in  February 2017. I’ll keep you posted.

With the help of The Engineer, Chloe Grice, Ada Hewell, Deirdre McConathy, Patti Nies, and Peggy Franke, I finished creating Holiday Cards to go in The 70273 Project Card Shop. It was a tedious, time-consuming, challenging, detail-oriented endeavor . . . and I loved every minute of it because it afforded me opportunities to exercise my graphic design, coding, linking, and organizing, skills. It whisked me right back to years gone by when I did these kinds of creative endeavors and presentations regularly. It requires intense concentration and focus, which often feels like a vacation for my brain that is usually being tugged in a myriad of directions. So if you haven’t yet sent out your holiday cards and even if you have, drop by and help yourself to printable and digital postcards and printable notecards.

Quilters in France continue to be busy commemorating, and I couldn’t be more excited or grateful for their participation.

Six more Angels got their wings this week when they made financial donations to The 70273 Project:
Suzanne McCarthy
and five who prefer to remain Anonymous.
Thank you all for your generosity. Remember that The 70273 Project, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization, so all donors will receive a thank you note and a receipt to use when preparing tax forms. Please keep us in mind when preparing any year-end giving. We’ll sure put it to good use, I promise!

And last but not least, thanks to the generous creativity of:
Kim Monins’ son, Daniel Monins ( Channel Islands, UK)
Jenny Marshall (Channel Islands, UK)
Faye Cook (AUS)
our new official block count stands at . . . 6464! Give yourselves a hand, y’all!

Stitch on, y’all, and have a good week.

Weeks 41 and 42 in Review (Nov 21-Dec 4, 2016)

Things got a little bogged down what with Thanksgiving and The Season kickoff with all the falderal and hoopla, plus I got a little panicky about a few things – mostly how on earth will I keep up with everything and not overlook somebody’s beautiful blocks or count them twice, leaving us holding a big empty bag next October – which required some sit-down-and-think-time, so I’m late with these posts. But I’m ready now, so without further bandwidth, here are the highlights from the past 2 weeks:

WEEK 41:  Nov 21-27 , 2016

Thanksgiving week here in the US, and we spend it with Nancy, my mother, and our daughter – and, regardless of where you live, I spent it with you, too, as I do every day, sending out my gratitude that y’all stand with me, helping commemorate these 70273 people.

Alida Palmisano mentioned us  on her blog . . . twice. You can find us here and here. (If you’re a journal junkie like me, keep a cloth near the computer to clean off the drool as you read about her journal.)

Ann Grasso gave us an Encore for my guest blog post AND she listed us on her Creative Collaborations page. If you ever doubt that there are good people out there doing good things, drop by this page and feel better.

All four of these links have been added to the Clarions page. If you read about The 70273 Project in a blog post or if you pen a post about us, please send me a link so I can add it to our Gallery of Support.


Thanks to the creative generosity of these good people:
Angela Rybarczuk (Channel Islands, UK)
Janet Hartje (MN, USA)
Jo Cook (IA, USA)
Julie Spiess (IA, USA)
Faye Cook (AUS)
and one Anonymous Maker (IA, USA)
our block count now stands at: 6179!

WEEK 42:  Nov 28 – Dec 4

A few health concerns have kept me moving more slowly through this week, on top of dealing with the loss of my granddog and the illness of my four-legged Phoebe, and all the things that are an inherent part of The Season. I continue to get lots of emails and notes from people who are just finding out about The 70273 Project, raising their hands to send financial donations, make blocks, piece, and/or quilt. It’s all quite wonderful, you know.

A huge thank you to Frances Holliday Alford for her ongoing financial support. Frances not only makes art, she supports others who are making art. Get to know her via this magazine article. (And yes, she mentioned The 70273 Project in her interview!)

Another huge thank you to another financial donor who wishes her to remain anonymous. Your generosity is muchly appreciated and has already been put to good use.

I’ve streamlined the cataloguing process (yes, again – it’s getting better and better, trust me) – I’ll tell you all about it later – and tweaked (read: improved) my journaling process. I’m a lifelong documentarian kind of girl, y’all.

The 70273 Project was featured in a lovely multi-page spread in Fayette Woman Magazine. The ink hasn’t yet dried on the current issue, and as soon as there’s a link up, I’ll let you know so you can go enjoy a read of this beautiful magazine published by my talented friend, Joyce Beverly.

Alida Palmisano made some more blocks and encouraged her readers to do the same.


And thanks to these generous creatives . . .
Ella Andrews (Channel Islands, UK)
Sue Harris (Channel Islands, UK)
Lorraine Whiting (Channel Islands, UK)
Debbie Burchell (Toronto, CA)
Alida Palmisano (MD, USA)
Jeanne Huebert (CA, USA) (Lovely name, don’t you think?!)
Pam Patterson (TX, USA)
Diane Dresdner (VA, USA) (who included a note saying “This is my first batch!”)
Frances Holliday Alford (VT, USA),
our current block count is . . . 6394!

Thank you for continuing to make and send blocks, even though I’m sure there are many other things begging your time and attention.


I try to remember to post links in the Facebook group and on the Facebook page, but it doesn’t happen automagically which means that sometimes . . . okay, many times . . .  I forget. Y’all don’t want to miss the things I’ll be revealing after the first of the year (trust me on that!), so take a minute to subscribe so you aren’t left out.

Week 40 in Review (Nov. 14-20, 2016)

Well, let’s see. This week was marked by plumbing issues at The 70273 Project Heartquarters (not so fun) and getting things done (great huge fun) – like, for example:
~ I created 2 more versions of each of The 70273 Project Birthday cards, one version that can be attached to emails and another version ready to post in social media.
~ And I made some amendments to the cataloguing system for some of The 70273 Project Tribe in France. I’ll tell you more about that later.

This week I am hugely grateful to these 70273 Project Angels for their financial donations:
Frances Holliday Alford,
Tari Vickery,
and one Angel who prefers to remain anonymous.


And thanks to the beautiful blocks from these kind, creative people:
Nancy Fenstermacher (PA, USA)
Barbara Churchville (PA, USA)
Rosalie Roberts (ID, USA)
Deborah MacKinnon (WA, USA)
Caroline Rudisill (TX, USA)
our block count grows to . . . 5683!

Till next week . . .


Other places to gather around The 70273 Project water cooler:

Shop with Amazon Smile and support The 70273 Project.
Subscribe to the blog (where all information is shared).
Join the English-speaking Facebook group – our e-campfire – where you can talk to other members of The 70273 Project Tribe.
Join the French-speaking Facebook group – our other e-campfire – where you can chat with other members of The 70273 Project Tribe.
Like the Facebook page where you can check in for frequent updates.
Get folks to help celebrate your birthday by making blocks and/or donating bucks.
Follow the pinterest board for visual information.
Post using #the70273project on Instagram. (Please tag me, too, @whollyjeanne, so I don’t miss anything.)
Tell your friends what you want for your birthday.
And if you haven’t yet made some blocks, perhaps you’d like to put some cloth in your hands and join us.
Or maybe you’d like to gather friends and family, colleagues or students, club or guild members, etc. together and make a group quilt.

Week 39 in Review (November 7-13, 2016)


taken from our front deck

Fires in the area – all around us. Something like eight months without rain leaves us high and dry. Blue smoke fills the air, making my eyes burn, my nose itch, my throat scratchy. Our waterfall is down to a trickle. When fire trucks go to a designated water hole to fill the tanks, they arrive to find the water hole dry. It’s a mess. A big, scary, acrid mess. Roads are closed, emails advise us to be prepared to evacuate, but so far, no evacuation notice has been delivered. Regardless, I gather The 70273 Project blocks and quilts, bagging them up so they’ll be easier to grab and go, hoping that my preparations will ward off the need to leave – a strategy that seems to be working!

Janet Hartje raised a good question: Given the wildfires, is it okay to mail blocks to me? I asked the local postmistress, and she assures me it’s fine to send us mail, so stitch and send at your heart’s desire.





Betty Hedrick and a friend came to help last week. Though we worked in some sightseeing and shopping, they still managed to get a lot of blocks scanned. Not only did I enjoy their company and getting to know them in person, I am very appreciative for their help.


I met with Andy Offutt Irwin, a good friend, a funny man, and a talented performer who is going to help me get The 70273 Project story to the stage. Chloe Grice, a good friend, a vibrant member of The 70273 Project Tribe, and a talented woman who’s creative like you wouldn’t believe is also helping me prepare this for the stage. She’s sketching my wardrobe, suggesting props, dressing the set. This is all very exciting.


Then there’s the mail. This week brought envelopes from:
Betty Hedrick (WA, USA)
Dorothy Grout-Smith (Australia)
Margaret Williams (GA, USA)
Cathy Crecelius (KY, USA)
Maria Conway (Argentina)
Pauling Tagg (Channel Islands, UK)
Dianne Llewellyn (Savigne, France)
which brings our block count to . . . 5629!
Thank y’all for continuing to stitch, even as we enter what, for most, is the busiest time of the year. Perhaps stitching a block or two will provide you with a quiet, comforting time over the next few weeks.

Till next week, stitch and smile, y’all. Stitch and smile.


Other places to gather around The 70273 Project water cooler:
Shop with Amazon Smile and support The 70273 Project.
Subscribe to the blog (where all information is shared).
Join the English-speaking Facebook group – our e-campfire – where you can talk to other members of The 70273 Project Tribe.
Join the French-speaking Facebook group – our other e-campfire – where you can chat with other members of The 70273 Project Tribe.
Like the Facebook page where you can check in for frequent updates.
Get folks to help celebrate your birthday by making blocks and/or donating bucks.
Follow the pinterest board for visual information.
Post using #the70273project on Instagram. (Please tag me, too, @whollyjeanne, so I don’t miss anything.)
Tell your friends what you want for your birthday.
And if you haven’t yet made some blocks, perhaps you’d like to put some cloth in your hands and join us.
Or maybe you’d like to gather friends and family, colleagues or students, club or guild members, etc. together and make a group quilt.

Week 38 in Review (Oct. 31 – Nov 6, 2016)

What a week it’s been, y’all! There’s so much goodness going on in The 70273 Project. Here are the highlights . . .

There’s a new way to support The 70273 Project: shopping on smile.amazon.com. You can read all about it here.

There’s a new page here on the blog of news in French for people who speak French. Of course there’s a translate button in the sidebar here, but I thought it might be nice to give them the important and basic information in their own language.

Several new links have been added to the Clarion page . . . which means people are writing blog posts about The 70273 Project . . . which gets the word out even faster. Thank you.

Kim Monins and Gisele Therezien, have enjoyed quite a full week in the Channel Islands, UK! They were interviewed on the BBC radio there, held a drop-in-and-stitch-a-block day, and there was a newspaper article about the stitch event and The 70273 Project. If you know of radio or tv stations, newspapers, or magazines where we might submit info about The 70273 Project, please let me know and let’s make a plan.


Jersey Evening Post 04 Nov 16

The 70273 Project was featured in an article in the Jersey Evening Post.

I learned a new, marketable (or not) skill: making memes. (I understand I still need to tweak the French version just a little.)

We started a new Adventure: The Men of The 70273, so ask the men in your life (any age) to make a block (or several) for The 70273 Project. Be sure to note that these are for The Men of The 70273 Adventure so I’ll hold them in a special place so they can wind up in their special quilts.

And there’s still time to collaborate with your siblings – that Adventure runs through the end of November.

Elves came to call this week when Betty Hedrick brought a friend to help me with The 70273 Project things. Like scanning, for example. And other things. Thank you, Betty and Friend!

I’ve now heard from people in 100 different countries! Isn’t that marvelous?


And wait. There’s more marvelous . . .

Thanks to the generous creativity and deep compassion of:
Dominique Poulard (France)
Françoise Rouppert (France)
Marie Claude Planes (France)
Marie Ange Marchenay (France)
Nadine Meyssonnier (France)
Betty Hedrick (WA, USA)
Gerrie Congdon (OR, USA)
Pam Patterson (TX, USA)
Rosalie Roberts (ID, USA)
Anonymous Maker (FL, USA)
Joanne Anderson (Channel Islands, UK)
Kim Monins (Channel Islands, UK)
Gisele Therezien (Channel Islands, UK)
Charlie McArdle (Channel Islands, UK)
Lucy Baker (Channel Islands, UK)
Betty Bullock (Channel Islands, UK)
Cindy Mulliner (Channel Islands, UK)
Helen Miles (Channel Islands, UK)
Jo Mulliner (Channel Islands, UK)
Julie Long (Channel Islands, UK)
Laura Ferdinando (Channel Islands, UK)
Sarah Raper (Channel Islands, UK)
Sheila Sykes (Channel Islands, UK)
Doreen Drever (Channel Islands, UK)
Kerry Jane Warner (Channel Islands, UK)
Joyce Du Feu (Channel Islands, UK)
Anne Hill (Channel Islands, UK)
Janet Averty (Channel Islands, UK)
Lucy Baker (Channel Islands, UK)
Members of a Susan Kistler’s Family at their Family Dinner:
Susan Kistler (IN, USA)
Cylis and Liam Kistler (IN, USA)
Ashley Homburg (IN, USA)
Violet Montgomery (IN, USA)
Jessica Justice (IN, USA)
Betty Urick (IN, USA)
Patsy Kistler (IN, USA)
Eli Kistler (IN, USA)
Teresa Montgomery (IN, USA)
Olivia Fisher (IN, USA)
Faye Cooke (AUS)
Elizabeth (Libby) Cook (AUS)
Members of the Santa Clara Valley Quilt Association:
Gayle Visher (CA, USA)
Mel Beach (CA, USA)
Cheryl Thompson (CA, USA)
Jacque Christensen (CA, USA)
Susan Bianchi (CA, USA)
3 Anonymous Makers (CA, USA)

our block count now stands at . . . are you ready . . . 5568!

However you’re supporting The 70273 Project, I thank you for helping commemorate the 70273 souls who might otherwise be forgotten. Till next week . . . 

Week 37 in Review (10/24-30, 2016)

This week . . .

I created birthday cards you can download, print, and send to others letting them know about The 70273 Project and encouraging them to get involved by giving you gifts you don’t have to dust: blocks and/or bucks and added a link to The 70273 Project Directory in the sidebar for easy reference.



The 70273 Project was profiled on page 11 in the Winter 2016/2017 issue of International Quilt Festival: Quilt Scene magazine. If you want one for your scrapbook (and you know you do), you can purchase paper copies in magazine racks near you or online, and go here to purchase a digital copy. And, that’s not all: on the back cover is none other than our Frances Holliday Alford!

As of today, I’ve heard from folks in 98 countries.


While I was (still) tending to my daughter’s concussion, folks around the world were stitching. Thanks to the generous creativity of . . .
Ariette Dupin (France)
Chloe Grice (France)
Christine Guillemer (France)
Jacqueline Riviere (France)
Monique Bonnet (France)
Karen Minty (Channel Islands, UK)
Kim Monins (Channel Islands, UK)
Karen Scott (Channel Islands, UK)
Liz Webb (Channel Islands, UK)
Rosalie Hollis (Channel Islands, UK)
Elaine Ericsson (Canada)
Linda Dumanowski (CA, USA)
Trena Johnson (MN, USA)
Anonymous Maker (FL, USA)
Members of La Feville, D’Erable quilting group (France)
Martine Bronca
Kathleen Reck (Australia)
Patricia Gaska (WI, USA)
Susan Utech (WI, USA)
Karen Hereford and other staffers at Holy Spirit College (Australia)
Nancy Weinmeister (GA, USA)
Ada Hewell (GA, USA)
Helen Voyles (GA, USA)
Thomasina Miller (GA, USA)
. . . we now have 5294 blocks!

Please keep stitching, sending, and sharing, y’all.


Other places to gather around The 70273 Project water cooler:

Subscribe to the blog (where all information is shared).

Join the English-speaking Facebook group – our e-campfire – where you can talk to other members of The 70273 Project Tribe.

Join the French-speaking Facebook group – our other e-campfire – where you can chat with other members of The 70273 Project Tribe.

Like the Facebook page where you can check in for frequent updates.

Follow the pinterest board for visual information.

Post using #the70273project on Instagram. (Please tag me, too, @whollyjeanne, so I don’t miss anything.)

And if you haven’t yet made some blocks, perhaps you’d like to put some cloth in your hands and join us.

Or maybe you’d like to gather friends and family, colleagues or students, club or guild members, etc. together and make a group quilt.

Week 36 in Review (10/17-23, 2016)

Another week spent with my daughter, Alison, as she recovers from a concussion, and this week found us having a MRI. Well, she had the MRI, but they asked me if I’d go in and talk to her because she’s claustrophobic. Turns out I couldn’t talk to her because she couldn’t hear me over the loud bing-bing-bings of the dreadfully tiny tunnel-like machine. And we didn’t find that out until after I’d removed all metal on my body – including  my unmentionables and glasses. I could, however, hold her foot, and I squeezed it in sync with her breathing, figuring it would keep her brain occupied trying to figure out what on earth I was doing.

Now from this blog post, it’s gonna’ look like I haven’t hit a lick all week, but I promise you that much work is being done in the background of The 70273 Project – things that I’ll be able to tell you about in the next few weeks. I added new links to the Clarions page. It’s so exciting to see blog posts being written, people joining in with enthusiasm and commitment, word spreading. If you pen a post, won’t you please send me a link so I can add you to the Clarions page?

To date, I’ve heard from people in 97 different countries (which kinda’ explains why I’m so embarrassingly behind in replying to emails. Know that I’m trying to get and stay caught up, though.)


And now what you’ve all been waiting for. Thanks to the generous contributions of:
Marie-Christine Chausseraud (France)
Georganna Hawley (CA, USA)
Dawn Daymude (CA, USA)
Jill Hagemeier (IN, USA)
Paul Kolig (IN, USA)
Maria Conway (Argentina)
Anne Hill (Jersey, Channel Islands, UK)
Sue Harris (Jersey, Channel Islands, UK)
Gisele Therezien (Jersey, Channel Islands, UK)
Kim Monins (Jersey, Channel Islands, UK)
Lorraine Brogan (Jersey, Channel Islands, UK)
Edward Bell (Jersey, Channel Islands, UK)
Steph Hairon (Jersey, Channel Islands, UK)
Annie Hemmerlin (France)
Christine Guillemer (France)
Edith Paley (France)
Josee Jaerot (France
Marie-Jose Perin (France
Nadine Lavigne (France)
Sophie Raymond Frizzoneau (France)
Therese Lacombe (France)
Agnes Rozenknop (France)
Catherine Guignot Moraine (France)
Catherine Rozenknop (France)
Yolende Dray (France)
Laetitia Brugere (France)
Danielle Fayet (France)
Christianne Humbert (France)
Martine Priami (France)
Cecile Denis (France)
Claire Schwartz (France)
Dominique Deutsch (France)
Miajo Loth (France)
Marie-Claire Vagnati (France)
Chantal Legein-Kerkhofs (France)
Chloe Grice (France)
Nicole Dufour (France)
our current block count is 5085!
As Annie Hemmerlin wrote in an email to Chloe and me, “. . . although the mobilization is increasing, there is still MUCH MUCH to do.” Remember we are aiming to have all 70,273 blocks in my hands by the end of October 2017, so please keep stitching and tell everybody you can think of about the project and see if they won’t participate alongside you.

And with that, I wish you a good week and thank you all for your continued dedicating to commemorating these 70,273 vulnerable, voiceless people.


Other places to gather around The 70273 Project water cooler:

Subscribe to the blog (where all information is shared).

Join the English-speaking Facebook group – our e-campfire – where you can talk to other members of The 70273 Project Tribe.

Join the French-speaking Facebook group – our other e-campfire – where you can chat with other members of The 70273 Project Tribe.

Like the Facebook page where you can check in for frequent updates.

Follow the pinterest board for visual information.

Post using #the70273project on Instagram. (Please tag me, too, @whollyjeanne, so I don’t miss anything.)

And if you haven’t yet made some blocks, perhaps you’d like to put some cloth in your hands and join us.

Or maybe you’d like to gather friends and family, colleagues or students, club or guild members, etc. together and make a group quilt.

Week 35 in Review (October 10-16, 2016)

Things came to a rolling stop in week 35, as my computer gave me the dreaded “Your startup disk is FULL”. So as I tended to our daughter and her concussion, I researched storage options, learning that whatever I put in Dropbox places a mirror image on my computer – a key piece of information I did not know. I thought Dropbox was cloud storage, but it’s really more of a file organization system, and as some of y’all know, I save everything 70273, and it’s all those files placed in Dropbox that slowed my computer down then brought it to its knees.

So after much research and consideration that consumed 3 or 4 days, I purchased a 4TB portable external hard drive that I’m calling The 70273 Project Mother Lode Closet and began moving things out of Dropbox and storing them there. That external drive is set up to backup continuously through Backblaze, so there’s my redundancy. For purposes of convenience, I will leave some things in Dropbox, but the photos and files and other space-consuming items will go into the new red external backup drive. The rearranging continues, but I’m back on a productive track after feeling stalled out dealing with storage issues last week.

I’ve heard from people in 95 different countries.


Quilt #11, Pieced and Quilted by Janet Hartje arrived in this week’s mail. It is gorgeous, and I’ll tell you – and show you – more about it real soon.



It is SO much fun opening the mail – seeing the decorated envelopes – reading the notes and letters – finding surprises – bawling. Y’all just amaze me, you always amaze me. Thanks to the generosity and creativity of these folks that you’ll see and hear more from in future blog posts . . .
Velia Antila (CA, USA)
Donna Bailey (CT, USA)
Sandie Ehrman (CA, USA)
Suzanne McCarthy (MI, USA)
Pam Arena (GA, USA)
Margaret Williams (GA, USA)
Caroline Rudisill (TX, USA)
Barbara Winfield (MD, USA)
Shane Dallman (OR, USA)
one Anonymous Maker (OR, USA)
I now have 4878 blocks in hand!

Remember: You still have time to collaborate on blocks with me and with your siblings, so stitch on.

Thank y’all for everything you’re doing to commemorate these 70273 people who might otherwise be forgotten.


Other places to gather around The 70273 Project water cooler:

Subscribe to the blog (where all information is shared).

Join the English-speaking Facebook group – our e-campfire – where you can talk to other members of The 70273 Project Tribe.

Join the French-speaking Facebook group – our other e-campfire – where you can chat with other members of The 70273 Project Tribe.

Like the Facebook page where you can check in for frequent updates.

Follow the pinterest board for visual information.

Post using #the70273project on Instagram. (Please tag me, too, @whollyjeanne, so I don’t miss anything.)

And if you haven’t yet made some blocks, perhaps you’d like to put some cloth in your hands and join us.

Or maybe you’d like to gather friends and family, colleagues or students, club or guild members, etc. together and make a group quilt.

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Where in the world is The 70273 Project? Please add a pin to show us where you are in the world. (1) Click the + sign in upper righthand corner of map. (2) Enter your first name only. (3) Enter your city/state. (4) Using the pins at the bottom of the map, select a marker based on how you are involved. (5) Select preview to see before posting. (6) Select submit to post. Please add a marker for each role you serve in The 70273 Project.

Support The 70273 Project

Allow me to introduce myself . . .

Hey, Sugar! I'm Jeanne Hewell-Chambers: writer ~ stitcher ~ storyteller ~ one-woman performer ~ creator & founder of The 70273 Project, and I'm mighty glad you're here. Make yourself at home, and if you have any questions, just holler.

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