Weeks 41 and 42 in Review (Nov 21-Dec 4, 2016)

Things got a little bogged down what with Thanksgiving and The Season kickoff with all the falderal and hoopla, plus I got a little panicky about a few things – mostly how on earth will I keep up with everything and not overlook somebody’s beautiful blocks or count them twice, leaving us holding a big empty bag next October – which required some sit-down-and-think-time, so I’m late with these posts. But I’m ready now, so without further bandwidth, here are the highlights from the past 2 weeks:

WEEK 41:  Nov 21-27 , 2016

Thanksgiving week here in the US, and we spend it with Nancy, my mother, and our daughter – and, regardless of where you live, I spent it with you, too, as I do every day, sending out my gratitude that y’all stand with me, helping commemorate these 70273 people.

Alida Palmisano mentioned us  on her blog . . . twice. You can find us here and here. (If you’re a journal junkie like me, keep a cloth near the computer to clean off the drool as you read about her journal.)

Ann Grasso gave us an Encore for my guest blog post AND she listed us on her Creative Collaborations page. If you ever doubt that there are good people out there doing good things, drop by this page and feel better.

All four of these links have been added to the Clarions page. If you read about The 70273 Project in a blog post or if you pen a post about us, please send me a link so I can add it to our Gallery of Support.


Thanks to the creative generosity of these good people:
Angela Rybarczuk (Channel Islands, UK)
Janet Hartje (MN, USA)
Jo Cook (IA, USA)
Julie Spiess (IA, USA)
Faye Cook (AUS)
and one Anonymous Maker (IA, USA)
our block count now stands at: 6179!

WEEK 42:  Nov 28 – Dec 4

A few health concerns have kept me moving more slowly through this week, on top of dealing with the loss of my granddog and the illness of my four-legged Phoebe, and all the things that are an inherent part of The Season. I continue to get lots of emails and notes from people who are just finding out about The 70273 Project, raising their hands to send financial donations, make blocks, piece, and/or quilt. It’s all quite wonderful, you know.

A huge thank you to Frances Holliday Alford for her ongoing financial support. Frances not only makes art, she supports others who are making art. Get to know her via this magazine article. (And yes, she mentioned The 70273 Project in her interview!)

Another huge thank you to another financial donor who wishes her to remain anonymous. Your generosity is muchly appreciated and has already been put to good use.

I’ve streamlined the cataloguing process (yes, again – it’s getting better and better, trust me) – I’ll tell you all about it later – and tweaked (read: improved) my journaling process. I’m a lifelong documentarian kind of girl, y’all.

The 70273 Project was featured in a lovely multi-page spread in Fayette Woman Magazine. The ink hasn’t yet dried on the current issue, and as soon as there’s a link up, I’ll let you know so you can go enjoy a read of this beautiful magazine published by my talented friend, Joyce Beverly.

Alida Palmisano made some more blocks and encouraged her readers to do the same.


And thanks to these generous creatives . . .
Ella Andrews (Channel Islands, UK)
Sue Harris (Channel Islands, UK)
Lorraine Whiting (Channel Islands, UK)
Debbie Burchell (Toronto, CA)
Alida Palmisano (MD, USA)
Jeanne Huebert (CA, USA) (Lovely name, don’t you think?!)
Pam Patterson (TX, USA)
Diane Dresdner (VA, USA) (who included a note saying “This is my first batch!”)
Frances Holliday Alford (VT, USA),
our current block count is . . . 6394!

Thank you for continuing to make and send blocks, even though I’m sure there are many other things begging your time and attention.


I try to remember to post links in the Facebook group and on the Facebook page, but it doesn’t happen automagically which means that sometimes . . . okay, many times . . .  I forget. Y’all don’t want to miss the things I’ll be revealing after the first of the year (trust me on that!), so take a minute to subscribe so you aren’t left out.


  1. Nancy Carroll

    glad you’ve made it through the past two weeks, Jeanne … WOW! is all I can say about the jump in the number of blocks… I’m looking forward to seeing block number 7028, which will mean we’ve reached 10 per cent of our goal. Sorry, I’m a numbers kinda gal, as well as a stitcher … the outpouring from around the world is amazing. So happy to be part of the group.

    • whollyjeanne

      I’m glad you’re a numbers girl, Nancy – so glad you’re on this team! xo

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Allow me to introduce myself . . .

Hey, Sugar! I'm Jeanne Hewell-Chambers: writer ~ stitcher ~ storyteller ~ one-woman performer ~ creator & founder of The 70273 Project, and I'm mighty glad you're here. Make yourself at home, and if you have any questions, just holler.

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