A Month With My Mother, Day 2

before we begin: if you hear the television in the background, that’s my mother watching the news. if you find it distracting, go close your door.

i think it’s fairly obvious how well i’ve taken to brene brown’s perfect protest.


  1. Amy Oscar

    I love these videos! Crockpots, shopping, water aerobics, Mom! I am howling with laughter. And I love your voice!

    • whollyjeanne

      thank you, amy. i think our mothers are close to the same age, judging from your tweets. we are lucky to still have them. and they are lucky to have us.

  2. Sally G.

    Like Amy, I literally laughed out loud at points. In solidarity, of course – because truth be told, I checked in to see if my Mom was where I’d left her last … as it REALLY sounds like she’s in Florida with you!

    Wouldn’t it be fun to take this out on the road – entertaining others with all we endure (and have endured) and healing all the way?

    You are beautiful, your voice is captivating, and you are a lighter version of the often dark Momma/Eunice schtick that Carol Burnett and Vicki Lawrence did so well.

    LOVING this. And I’m glad you’re Allergic to Perfect – or, that you’re AWARE that you’re Allergic to Perfect. I need to reflect on my relationship with Perfect right now, I waive its necessity in others, have I done so for myself?

  3. Peptrain

    High girls !! happy you arrived safe and have got the “ole” sand in your feet by now. I can see that Jeanne has the Utube set up, so we can follow your shopping activities and pool fun.
    Stay safe ,The Piersons Dave and I we are of to York and thinking of your beach fun.
    Love, Joan & John

  4. Square-Peg Karen

    Jeanne, I think we’re sisters — we’ve got the same mother!!

    Love you, love these videos — Like Sally G said, I found myself laughing out loud LITERALLY!

    …and Honey, you are brave – I’m working on a Mama-says kind of book – like Clarence Day’s Life with Father – but no WAY is it showing its face while I’m still blessed to have my mom alive (which I hope is a long, long time) – even tho, lol, using some of your mama’s words: nobody’d read it.

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Hey, Sugar! I'm Jeanne Hewell-Chambers: writer ~ stitcher ~ storyteller ~ one-woman performer ~ creator & founder of The 70273 Project, and I'm mighty glad you're here. Make yourself at home, and if you have any questions, just holler.

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