A Month With My Mother, Day 1


this is my splash into brene brown’s perfect protest.


  1. angela

    you are quite nimble, my friend! eagerly awaiting the next installment.

    • whollyjeanne

      thank you. and thank you again.

  2. Chrisrkelly2003

    Jeanne,,,,you are crazy!!!! I should recognize crazy you know. Have a good time. Tell Ada hello!

    • whollyjeanne

      chris, sugar. you wrote the book on crazy. ada said hey back.

  3. Julie Daley

    what a smile you brought to my face. this is so! not perfect, which makes it so real and fun. i’m still laughing and will be for a while.

    • whollyjeanne

      it’s kinda scary how quickly and well i took to the whole notion of not perfect. actually, i kinda have a feeling that by the time this month is over, ada and i will have kicked perfection to the curb.

  4. Kelly

    I thoroughly enjoyed this! Popped over from Brene’s post. I’m working on a perfect project post that will include my students! I teach at a college in north Florida. Hopefully up later this week. Have a great month with your Mom!

    • whollyjeanne

      well, kelly, we’re practically neighbors this month! looking forward to your perfect protest project!

  5. Sally G.

    I’m going to LOVE this series. Your sense of humour is even warmer than the beach wafting in the breeze behind your head! And call me strange – but I’m not going to be able to get the image of you racing back to freshen up flowers on a cemetery plot for passing Tourists out of my head.

    The Perfect Project sounds interesting – I’m going to look into that. Thank you for sharing the link!

    • whollyjeanne

      sally, i just see your name and my face starts to smile. bop on over to brene’s place, sign up, and join the fun. i’ll be watching.

  6. Mrsmediocrity

    you. slay. me.

    • whollyjeanne

      you. slay. me. too.

  7. olive & hope

    good god woman..I love you.

    • whollyjeanne

      well, isn’t that funny cause i feel the exact same way about you. i just don’t tell you often enough.

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Hey, Sugar! I'm Jeanne Hewell-Chambers: writer ~ stitcher ~ storyteller ~ one-woman performer ~ creator & founder of The 70273 Project, and I'm mighty glad you're here. Make yourself at home, and if you have any questions, just holler.

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