Block 7000 made by Diane Dresdner, 3.5″x 6.5″ = 9 cm x 16.5 cm

Week 48 was a full week that found many people making blocks while I was out of town moving our daughter. I did, however, still manage to get a few things done for and with The 70273 Project . . .

I made a presentation to my cousin’s Methodist Women’s group in Thomaston, Georgia, and I received invitations to do several other presentations in the near future. I’ll tell you more later.

I created two versions of a one-sheet handout for use at exhibits, programs, etc. that explains a little more about The 70273 Project.

I amended information on making quilts information, and updated links, and developed a new block tagging system that goes yet a little bit faster.

Wings of The 70273 (a small piece I made especially for the SAQA Trunk Show made from parts of a toddler boy’s shirt and a toddler girl’s party dress)) was received and sent on tour for three years.

For the first time, The Engineer came out of the post office with the mail in one of those big ole’ sturdy this-is-gonna’-take-two-hands-and-you-better-return-this-to-the-post-office-or-else boxes! Filling the box were blocks from:

Rosalie Roberts (ID/USA)
Kath O’Donnell (Camperdown AUS)
Hannah Holloway and her mom, Laura Wolverton: (IN/USA)
Isabella Holloway and her mom, Laura Wolverton: (IN/USA)
Laura Wolverton: (IN/USA)
Pat LaPierre (ME/USA)
Elender Ballard Akin (GA/USA)
Sharleen Jesperson (FL/USA)
Katie Smith (GA/USA))
Anonymous (GA/USA)
Frances Watson (GA/USA))
Emily Davison (GA/USA)
Gene Johnson (GA/USA)
Anonymous (GA/USA)
Becky Watts (GA/USA)
Glenda Stevens (GA/USA)
Anonymous (GA/USA)
Anonymous (GA/USA)
Anonymous (GA/USA)
Diane Dresdner (VA/USA)
Linda Smith (AZ/USA)
Linda Smith & Tari Vickery (AZ and CA/USA)

bringing out total block count to . . . 7084! Congratulations, y’all. One tenth of the people we commemorate have been, well, commemorated.


Check back in a couple of hours for the next updated block count update on this, our first anniversary.
And if you lose your way, here are links to today’s other posts:
And here are the other posts on  today’s catch-up marathon:
Week 49
Week 50
Here’s a short link to use when sharing this post: