Can y’all believe we just finished week #15? Time does fly, doesn’t it? I got home on Friday, 5/28, so updates are a bit on the skimpy side again. But there are still plenty of things to report and cheer:
~ I now have 1216 blocks in hand!
~ We celebrate Milestone Block #1000, a 3.5″ x 6.5″ (9 cm x 16.5 cm) beauty made by Glenda Williams who lives in Australia.
~ And we celebrate Milestone Block #1200, another 3.5″ x 6.5″ (9 cm x 16.5 cm) beauty made by Bev Haring who lives in the US.
~ As of Sunday night, I have heard from people in 69 different countries.
~ This came in from Lucy Horner, a delightful woman who’s astoundingly and productively creative, and is a crackerjack photographer (which is how I met her – in a wonderful photography class):
Hi Jeanne, I’ve just had this message from the Dean of Rochester Cathedral – “This is a very powerful initiative and I will pass this on to the Embroiders and also to the congregation as a whole. I would be more than happy for the quilts to be on display in the cathedral whenever that point is reach and do keep me informed. It might provide a very striking display at a future Holocaust Memorial Event?” … So looks like that could be the first UK venue lined up! Xx
In case y’all are wondering, The Rochester Cathedral is the second oldest cathedral in the U.K., founded in 604 A.D. I’ve already reserved Lucy’s guest room cause y’all know I need to go.
~ New Provenance Forms have been mailed to everyone, and they are being returned quite promptly – thank you for doing that so we can continue to move forward. Piecers are ready for more blocks to piece, and Quilters are ready for more tops to quilt.
~ I realized that I had scanned some of the blocks at a mere 50 dpi instead of 300 dpi, SO I will be spending 2-3 days rescanning each of the blocks at the higher dpi.
~ Mother’s church group closed out the year with a block-making party, – and they sent all their leftover fabric. And as if that’s not enough, there are rumblings of more block parties being planned.
~ The mail continues to come in by the arm full, delighting the local post mistresses, The Engineer, and moi, so keep it coming.
And remember: Kitty Sorgen has set us a new goal: 2000 blocks in my hands by July 4, 2016, so make and mail, y’all. Make and mail.
Pull up a chair why don't you, and let's talk . . .