things inquiring minds want to know, day 12


as mother remains at the beach with her friends, hubby and i flew to orlando today to visit my sister-in-law (or, as i prefer to say, my sister-in-love), nancy, and take her out to lunch and most importantly: SHOPPING!

this time with mother is so precious. i want to know her at a deeper level. i want to know myself at a deeper level. there are so many questions i want to ask . . . if only i could articulate them.

today was filled with nancy’s repetitive questions:

do you like me?
am i a good girl?
i’m pretty good all by myself, right?

as i answered her questions for the umpteenth time, i realized that nancy’s questions are the best, most important questions of all: simple questions about things we long to know but are too afraid to ask.



  1. Lalizlatina

    This made me cry because it is the truth.

  2. Mrsmediocrity

    oh my. profound and beautiful all at the same time. you are the best

  3. Julie Daley

    wow, jeanne. clear. simple. beautiful. there’s so much love in this post.

  4. angela

    “I’m pretty good all by myself, right?”–isn’t that what so many things, if not everything, boils down to? Beautiful post, Jeanne.

  5. Sally G.

    “Simple questions about things we long to know but are too afraid to ask,”

    I’m still lacking courage with this. I tend not to ask questions that are really important to me – if I’m not sure in advance of the response. Or, if I’m not sure I’ll be able to handle all potential responses. Probably that last one most of all.

    Your journey is teaching me so much about myself …

  6. Anonymous

    Every time I have a few moments to visit, you rock my world Jeanne. Love you.

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Hey, Sugar! I'm Jeanne Hewell-Chambers: writer ~ stitcher ~ storyteller ~ one-woman performer ~ creator & founder of The 70273 Project, and I'm mighty glad you're here. Make yourself at home, and if you have any questions, just holler.

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