this is otto.
my granddog.
he’s bad to confuse
the sound of andy’s
text message notification
with the doorbell.
andy has gotten
a lot
of text messages today.
so i guess we can all see
why otto is worn slap out.
+ Her Barefoot Heart
this is otto.
my granddog.
he’s bad to confuse
the sound of andy’s
text message notification
with the doorbell.
andy has gotten
a lot
of text messages today.
so i guess we can all see
why otto is worn slap out.
© 2025 Jeanne Hewell-Chambers
Theme by Anders Noren — Up ↑
Your writing is really wonderful, Jeanne. I have been wandering around here a little while this morning. It has turned my day in a good direction, thank you. Oh and the poor pups and all our crazy noise makers.