+ Her Barefoot Heart

breadcrumbs of my yesterday

we walked to city park in denver yesterday,
where my son, kipp, and marnie will get married in may.
will you promise to put in a good word
for weather like this on their big day?






we saw an eagle,
and i’m pretty sure
the eagle spotted us, too.



and on our way back,
we stopped off for some
voodoo doughnuts.
it’s the law, you know,
if you walk more than 7 miles.
(and yes, that really is a maple doughnut
topped with bacon)



my granddog, otto,
feigned disinterest.
but i still put the doughnuts
out of his remarkably jinormous reach
because i really didn’t find his performance all that convincing.



and as if all that wasn’t enough,
i began work on In Our Own Language 3 . . .


(it’s my second start, really.
forgetting i’d bought this yummy cream colored thread,
i started stitching with white embroidery floss.
glad i remembered before i stitched much further.)


yesterday went down in the herstory book with a gold star beside it. today we’re back to cloudy and cold, but i’m pretty sure it’ll go down as a gold star day anyway. you know, sometimes i think it’s all that effort to Be Happy and Think Positive that makes us miserable.


  1. the dark and stormy one

    From your lips to Gods ears.. A beautiful day in may, on it’s way!

    and “i think it’s all that effort to Be Happy and Think Positive that makes us miserable.”

    You said it all sister! This is me just chiming in with an “AMEN!”

    • whollyjeanne

      you make me laugh and sit up a little straighter. xo

  2. Cathie

    silly dog! confusing texting for the doorbell and ignoring a bacon/maple doughnut. maybe, just maybe….. it’s all part of his plan.
    enjoy your beautiful Colorado weather!

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