+ Her Barefoot Heart

taking 10


okay, folks. i’m taking the night off cause honestly, i’m getting tired of hearing myself talk.

plus i need time to immerse myself in my everything-you-need-to-know-about-how-to-write-fiction magazine cause i signed up for the nanowrimo challenge (it starts in 4 days) and plan to try my hand at fiction.

not that i don’t indulge in a little fiction every now ‘n then, memory being what it is and all. and of course now that i’ve put my name on the official dotted line, i’m wondering if my idea is more like a short story than a book (i can’t bring myself to say “novel”) – shoot, it may be little more than a blog post – but i have committed to penning some 2000 words every. single. day. in november . . . okay, that’s enough. i’m starting to glisten with the enormity of it all.

tomorrow, though, tomorrow i feel another story time coming on.

1 Comment

  1. Sally G.

    I know quite a few phenomenally awesome women who are participating in NaNoWriMo this year too – many are alumni from last year, and a few of those joined for the first time last year.

    They are compassionate, supportive and did I mention phenomenally awesome? If you’d like NaNo buddies to keep you motivated and to encourage you along — let me know your NaNo name/id and they’ll embrace you in their wonder.

    I believe they’re all in the Caring Creates community too. In fact – you’ve just given me an idea … I’ll open space for interested NaNo participants to connect there!

    Look how good you are for me …

Pull up a chair why don't you, and let's talk . . .

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