lately the whole world’s a mirror.
for the past month,
i’ve been showing up with pen in hand
every single day
to write no less than 1000 words.
that kind of mindful consistency
changes a woman.
(thanks, bindu & angela & julie)
+ Her Barefoot Heart
lately the whole world’s a mirror.
for the past month,
i’ve been showing up with pen in hand
every single day
to write no less than 1000 words.
that kind of mindful consistency
changes a woman.
(thanks, bindu & angela & julie)
© 2025 Jeanne Hewell-Chambers
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yes. yes. a practice. confirming process. being your self. realizing who that might be.
You know – I read this and Self-portrait pt 1 and I’m smiling…I LOVE how you can write to the heart and with the heart in both short, succinct pieces (like these two lovelies — and with PERFECT photos to illustrate) and also in long, roving posts or notes — it’s like reaching out and touching hearts is your blood (I purposefully didn’t say “IN your blood” – it just plain IS your blood). I’m smiling and grateful – thanks for this!!
I love the two images – the reveal completely took me by surprise, which I adored. You are so full of light, my friend!