every night between 10 and 11
a cat appears on our deck.
a totally, no-hair-excluded black cat.
a cat that is the same size
the same color
has the same eyes
as our indoor cat, godfree.
our indoor black cat
is not amused
and our dog snaps effortlessly
and loudly
into her role as protector.
(that’s how i know the outdoor cat has arrived.)
i take food out,
and each night the outdoor cat
gets a little teensy bit closer.
but the indoor cat
remains unamused
and vocal with his
they sit
with only a window between them,
one cat feasting
one cat fussing,
the outdoor cat fearful
the indoor cat fierceful,
and i know – i just know –
there’s a metaphor in progress.
You are right….this story is just pregnant with potential metaphors. One could have a discussion group on the implications of indoor vs outdoor cat with a dog thrown in the mix. I'll bring the wine. And if the story wasn't compelling enough, we could have an hour of discussion on just the photo…..great shot.
you are a font of great ideas!
The indoor cat and the outdoor cat seem like great characters for a children's book!
Oh yes – a metaphor in process indeed – at least one…nothing more need be said and if you do, I'll greedily read-it-up!
Twin souls?
aha – another great idea from the ya writer that i missed seeing today.
thanks, kathy. right now my brain is so clogged with pollen and allergies, words are hard to come by, so for now, it's a diy.
As Kira said, that really is a great kids book idea – I'd get on that right away! Love your post of course.
thanks, susan. always appreciate your enthusiastic support. hope your allergies are behaving better.
wow. my mother in law has a black indoor cat and a black outdoor cat in exactly the same situation….she keeps a little house” on her deck for the outdoor boy…and yes, metaphors abound!
My cat has a friend too! Except he/she shows up at about 3am, looks like an ewok, and frequently scares the shit out of me.
Completely off-subject, but I much prefer it when you call “Godfree” by his real name.
(I know it can pull focus due to requiring explanation…but still). 😉
we're not to the providing a house stage just yet, though i prefer that to the outdoor cat moving in;)
funny. i guess if the outdoor black cat shows up now, he'll be yellow (read: covered with pollen). but then hubbie didn't leave any food out the entire week i was gone, so god (indoor cat) might be off the nightly route now.
“pull focus” – hahahahaha. like you'd break a sweat doing that. and point well-taken: god. not god is godfree; not god is good; just god. will say more later, folks. later.
I think you're right about the metaphor in the making. The story of your kitty's doppelganger is a compelling cliff hanger until you write about whatever it is! Hope you're well. Looks like you're on vacation this week? Happy travels, my friend.