Now listen: I know y’all are making plans for your weekend, so I want to tell you about this . . . if any of y’all are gonna’ be in the vicinity of Stephenville, Texas (or feel like taking a road trip), get yourselves over to The Stephenville Native & Heirloom Plant Sale where you can do more than shop for plants. Elaine Fields Smith and Pam Patterson will be there, for example, with materials ready to make blocks for The 70273 Project. Children of all ages are welcomed to stop by, and they have a good plan that doesn’t require much time or any stitching: they’re asking people to “fingerprint” the two red X’s . . . and I’m more than pretty sure they’ll have wipes on hand to whisk any lingering red paint right off your fingers.

Many thanks to Elaine and Pam for taking The 70273 Project Campfire to what promises to be an entertaining, informative event.

Feel free to share this post (or the one on my Facebook timeline) and make some people happy who might not have heard about this fun day.


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Facebook page
Facebook group, English 
Facebook group, French 