letting go


now lookahere, y’all: i’ve decided to shape my response to each #reverb10 daily prompt into a tip, a suggestion you might find useful in juicing every single succulent drop out of this month-long experience. some of the tips are things i learned over the past year; some are answers to questions reverbers have asked me privately; some are things i pull out of thin air.

at the end of each day (or roughly thereabouts), the tip will be folded into the marrow. and hey, if a tip sparks another idea, i’d sure appreciate it if you’d drop me a note in the comments section so i can sprinkle it out to others. and do some sprinkling of your own: point others to the marrow in case there’s something here they can use.

now let’s get on with it cause my wand’s a wastin’ . . .

today’s prompt: Let Go. What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why? (by @finslippy)

today’s tip: you will be let go. in twitter terms, you will be unfollowed – it’s gonna’ happen, you can write it down – but don’t take it personally. don’t you pull the shades, turn off the phone, and take to your bed. you haven’t been dumped out on the side of the road by the (self-proclaimed) cool girls in the convertible. shoot no. you’ve just been unfollowed, and sometimes the tweep doesn’t even know about it cause sometimes the glitching gremlins do it without warning and without permission.

what to do? well, you can ignore it and continue to follow them. or you can send them a note asking “what’d i do?” (or maybe “what were you thinking?”; “have you lost your mind?”; or “what the heck?”, depending on your mood) or you can mash the unfollow button and let them go, too. i guess you could even use it as an excuse to lay out of work a day or two (and for the record: no, i will not sign your excuse), but listen up cause i’m gonna’ tell you what any self-respecting fairy godmother worth her fairy dust would tell you: they’re just jealous.


  1. Bsain

    I LOVE this!
    Thank you.

  2. Lalizlatina

    I love you.

    • whollyjeanne

      and you know i love you to a crisp.

  3. Anonymous

    No note? Please? xoxo

  4. Square-Peg Karen

    Oh, Jeanne – oh Wholly and wonderfully Jeanne – I love you! This “my wand’s a wastin’” made me guffaw – sooooo glad I had already swallowed that gulp of coffee.

    • whollyjeanne

      karen, you are such a great addition to crew with your effervescence and supportive nature. i just love you to pieces.

  5. nakedjen

    i heart you. in mad ways. and i’ve never told you that until just now, but i just need to let you know.

    • whollyjeanne

      well, feel free to tell me again and again and again, okay? (btw, the feeling is mutual.)

  6. Christine Bougie

    This is a great spin on the prompt. Love it.

  7. Anonymous

    Hahahahahaha 😉

    I think at the end you should record these tips as a short Video Blog. Priceless.

  8. DR. Dolly

    made me smile. not that i’m one to give a rip if people unfriend me on FB or unfollow me, but if I *did* care, yeah—total attitude!

  9. memydogsmylife


  10. Michael Rusk

    Awesome! Maybe I’ll quit reading the emails from Twunfollow! I love the way you write…reminds me of some of Bette Midler’s bits in her show. But so much better…love you!

  11. Linda

    agree with ericagrady – would be a wonderful video blog demonstration!
    the sting of the unfollowing/defriending! I think with facebook sometimes I don’t realize I’ve been defriended unless I’m on their profile and there’s an option to “add as friend.”

    Wah!? I thought we WERE friends. 🙂

  12. Sally G.

    You KNOW ABOUT the cool girls in the convertible. Gosh, they get around.

    Glad to hear I’m not the only one targetted for Unfollow and Unfriending. What a mini-heart shatter those realizations can be.

    I have found – that of all the things I have let go, I miss my mind the most. Given the opportunity, I’d love to have it back. Or at least, parts of it …

  13. xj

    I’m a day late, but I love this tip. Being let go does not make you less of a person. You’re one smart fairy!!

  14. Guinevere

    My therapist has been telling me I need a coach-voice in my head, but maybe what I really need is a fairy godmother. 🙂 thanks –G

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Hey, Sugar! I'm Jeanne Hewell-Chambers: writer ~ stitcher ~ storyteller ~ one-woman performer ~ creator & founder of The 70273 Project, and I'm mighty glad you're here. Make yourself at home, and if you have any questions, just holler.

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