

seems like all my life i’ve had somebody professing to take care of me. and truth be known, i’ve kinda’ wanted somebody to take care of me, someone to watch over me to make sure i don’t misstep or misspeak or miss the boat. somebody to take care of me. and at the same time, i learned during as early as the group projects in elementary school that i am responsible for myself. i have to be.

i don’t have to forage for food or a place to sleep every day, but i do forage for something more.

i am many different people, and maybe i’m just not evolved enough, but my idea of wholeness is not to meld the entire committee into one generic version of self, not to be the same jeanne every single day of every single week of every single month of every single year of every single decade. shoot no. wholeness is welcoming each Committee Of Jeanne Member to the table (with one or two possible exceptions), and go on about my business.

i would like to say there’ll be no more trying to remake myself into an image others will find pleasing and acceptable – i’d love to commit to that – but the truth is, i know me too well by now. there will always be a committee member in search of the gold star, the pat on the head, the atta’ girl. one committee member will always advocate abandoning any idea that isn’t readily met with enthusiasm from somebody outside our committee.

i have committed to walking down this path of 365 Altars, to honoring my deepest sumptuous self every single day, and it is my fervent hope that eventually i will become stronger, more sure of myself, and that i won’t grow another single wrinkle worrying about being found pleasing in the sight of others. that i will stand in front of the mirror and smile at the sight of my self (even first thing in the morning), and that that smile will fill me up.


365 Altars: honoring our deepest sumptuous selves. 3/365


a most important note: The notion of 365 Altars was fueled by talking with my sister-in-writing-and-more-much-more Julie Daly of UnabashedlyFemale.com and talks with my sister-in-spirituality-and-so-very-much-more, Angela Kelsey of (of all things) AngelaKelsey.com. I love them.


  1. Meredith

    Well I think you’re wonderful just the way you are. I hope this morning you smiled at yourself in the mirror and felt full.

    • whollyjeanne

      you know, i did. thank you, sugar.

  2. Anonymous

    Yes! and Yes and YES! I resonate so much with this – and love how you are honoring yourSELF. Muah.

    • whollyjeanne

      thank you, sugar. i’m not surprised it resonates with you. and hey, have i told you today how much i love that calendar you and your daughter created? xo

  3. Angela

    It occurs to me that the purpose of the Committee of Jeanne is to protect you.  You have everything you need, in one beautiful package. xo

    • whollyjeanne

      i’ll bet your right about the COJ . . . and yet i sometimes wonder if protection is really protection. kinda’ makes my head hurt to think about that, but i think it’s worth turning over a few times . . . or dare i say it: staying with it a while. xo
      p.s. thanks again for helping me with this – for being my sounding board, for making suggestions, for naming it.

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Hey, Sugar! I'm Jeanne Hewell-Chambers: writer ~ stitcher ~ storyteller ~ one-woman performer ~ creator & founder of The 70273 Project, and I'm mighty glad you're here. Make yourself at home, and if you have any questions, just holler.

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