As we travel doing presentations and block drives for The 70273 Project the past four weeks, The Engineer and I have seen 3 ocean views , , ,

Mendocino, California

Mendocino, California

The Artist and The Engineer in Mendocino, California

Mendocino, California

Acadia National Park in Bar Harbor, Maine

The Engineer and The Artist at Acadia National Park in Bar harbor, Maine

Acadia National Park in Bar Harbor, Maine

Daytona Beach Shores, Florida

My mother wades in the ocean at Daytona Beach Shores, Florida

Daytona Beach Shores, Florida

I see the moon, and the moon over Daytona Beach Shores seize(s) me
Three oceans – the same because they’re all awesomely impressive bodies of water, each different in its own way. That’s the way I like oceans, and that’s the way I like people – the same because we’re humans, delightfully unique in our own individual ways. On whatever path we met – writing, stitching, through The 70273 Project; whether we met in school or through other friends or as a result of an unanticipated coincidence, on this US Thanksgiving Day – and on any ordinary day, for that matter – I am tickled and thankful to have you in my life. Grateful for all the goodness, kindness, and compassion you continue to spill into the world.
Choose one . . . or both:
Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thursday.
Pull up a chair why don't you, and let's talk . . .