Did you ever iron crayons between sheets of wax paper to make stained glass?
Me, too.
Did you ever carve your initials into a tree?
Me, too.
And the initials of your love du jour – did you carve them into the tree, too?
Yep, raising my hand on that one.
Did you get Highlights magazines delivered to your home? Did you go straight to the Hidden Pictures page
Me, too.
Did you ever melt bars of Gulf Wax paraffin and pour it into milk cartons to make candles?
Me, too.
And ice. Did you ever fill a milk carton with ice then pour melted bars of Gulf Wax paraffin over it to make candles with holes?
Yeah, I did, too.
How ’bout this: did you ever melt bars of Gulf Wax paraffin, whip it with a beater, and “ice” the candles you made from milk cartons?
Me, too.
Did you love to finger paint?
I did, too! And when my chiclets were teensy, I let them finger paint on the tray to their high chairs. (Mostly they painted themselves, though.)
Did you ever order an antiquing kit from the Sears and Roebuck catalog and give your furniture a make-over?
Me, too! And wooden boxes, too, like the one shown here that belonged to my mother when she was a little girl.
Did you ever take a pencil and swoop it back and forth across a blank sheet of paper, filling it with infinity signs then go back and color in the spaces created?
Yeah, I did, too. (Still do sometimes.)
Did you make necklaces from macaroni and shoe strings?
I didn’t . . . but I still have the one my brother Jerry made for me.
How ’bout bird houses made form popsicle sticks – did you make those?
Not birdhouses, but I did make a basket from popsicle sticks. Does that count?
Did you make irises from sheer silk fabric, wire, and glue?
I did. We even held parties to make silk irises. (Mama Helen still has hers.)
Did you watch Captain Kangaroo and make things right along with Mr. Green Jeane and Dancing Bear?
You guessed it – I did, too! AND I stole emptied borrowed a shoebox from Mother’s closet and used it to store my art supplies in so I was always ready.
Did you ever write and stage plays in your living room?
Why, yes I did. There was only one other house on our road, so I cast Carla and Gordon then charged all our parents a nickel to attend the grand opening.
Did you ever use yarn to stitch pretty pictures on burlap?
Yep, me, too.
Did you love to finger paint?
I did, too! And when my chiclets were teensy, I let them finger paint on the tray to their high chairs. (Mostly they painted themselves, though.)
Did you ever pick dandelions and giggle with delight as they flew into the wind?
Yes, I surely did.
Making art and playing really isn’t something you outgrow, you know.
I make mud pies… did you ever make mud pies? and charge a nickle for them? I bet they are/were tasty!