while all else diminished during the great depression, my friends, kudzu thrived. it absolutely thrived. back in the day (read: early 1900s), somebody brought some cuttings over from japan, and kudzu has made itself right at home ever since, aggressively staking its claim to the georgia landscape.
because i’m not so good maneuvering needle in a car barreling down the road towards home, i didn’t get much done on overgrown. i did, however, manage to crochet kudzu vines from embroidery thread. (which godfree interpreted as a feline pillow.)

i wish the image could be enlarged. I want to get a better look at the thread/yarn you used. Is it variegated or did you use different colors?
funny you mention that, acey, because i thought the same thing. spent sunday night trying to figure out how on earth to do that. before i became a self-hosted blog girl, it was easy. now i can’t figure it out for the life of me. it’s why i didn’t post anything yesterday.
okay, that’s not true. not at all.
but it is true that i spent saturday afternoon setting up my own youtube channel so i could post little videos shot with my new little ole’ camera. and it is true that just after i posted this bit, i spent a coupla hours trying to figure out the whole thumbnail>click>bigger size thing. so far, nothing. but i’ll get it. eventually.
again, thanks for mentioning that.
oh, and it’s different colors – stray greens i had laying around.
i wish the image could be enlarged. I want to get a better look at the thread/yarn you used. Is it variegated or did you use different colors?
funny you mention that, acey, because i thought the same thing. spent sunday night trying to figure out how on earth to do that. before i became a self-hosted blog girl, it was easy. now i can’t figure it out for the life of me. it’s why i didn’t post anything yesterday.
okay, that’s not true. not at all.
but it is true that i spent saturday afternoon setting up my own youtube channel so i could post little videos shot with my new little ole’ camera. and it is true that just after i posted this bit, i spent a coupla hours trying to figure out the whole thumbnail>click>bigger size thing. so far, nothing. but i’ll get it. eventually.
again, thanks for mentioning that.
oh, and it’s different colors – stray greens i had laying around.