three hundred sixty-five


it’s taken me a while to discover what i want in life,
to sort out the song of my heart
from the tunes of everybody else’s.
oh sure, i can tell you what They want in a snap,
but ask me what i want my life to look like,
and i drew a blank.

until now.


because when you get right down to it,
every day is a new year’s day,
and because like my friend says,
dailiness is alchemy,
i began keeping a Book of Amazements on 11.12.12
charting daily accomplishments
in a color system that coincides with the chakras.

this year,
wanting more clarity
and more simplicity
as well as something tangible
and visual,


i’ve pared down from 7 colors to 4,
each color representing an element of a perfect day
and ultimately a life of accomplishment:
red = moving
orange = making
aqua = marking
purple = laughing
and in addition to the
Book of Amazements,
i am creating an accompanying cloth called

i started on 11.12.13,
of course,
and now
one month and two days later,
the cloth measures
26.75″ wide by 60″ long
you can check my math,
but the answer i get is,
60 times 12
equals substantial
IF i color in my days
the way i want.

(and just so you know,
i happen to like substantial.)

. . . more soon . . .


  1. tired

    The beauty of you always amazes me.
    The creative color and texture that pours out of your soul is like those rainbows around the moon, luminous and so huge that it steals your breath.

    • whollyjeanne

      right back atcha, moonbeam. you know, sometimes i think i could live the rest of my life without words.

  2. jane

    you always fill me up… and give me space to breathe as well… that is quite a talent you have oh maker of beauty

    • whollyjeanne

      “maker of beauty” – oh wow. thank you, sugar. that phrase, your entire comment gives me permission to go forth and move, make, mark, and laugh (permission i didn’t even know i needed).

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Allow me to introduce myself . . .

Hey, Sugar! I'm Jeanne Hewell-Chambers: writer ~ stitcher ~ storyteller ~ one-woman performer ~ creator & founder of The 70273 Project, and I'm mighty glad you're here. Make yourself at home, and if you have any questions, just holler.

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