+ Her Barefoot Heart

the storytelling chair


In parts of Ireland, a chair is kept at the back door to invite storytellers, to welcome them in to take a place at the hearth. Because I need more time and because I do my best pondering and churning with cloth, needle, and thread in my hand, I’m stitching. And because storytelling is on my list of things I enjoy and things I do well, today I stitch a chair as another piece of altar cloth. And as I sit in a chair in the thicket, I continue to thank you for your support and hospitality.

More about 365 Altars


  1. Anonymous

    I LOVE this! So sweet! Makes me think of a bunch of people in chair, huddled around the fireplace. 🙂

    • whollyjeanne

      You, me, and who else, Sugar?

      • Anonymous

        Julie Daley! Kim Samsin! Inky Twig aka Tracy! Uncle Typewriter AKA Stereo! Roxanne! Mark! The list goes on and on … 🙂

  2. Merry ME

    I’m fascinated by this. A story telling chair. How cool is that? I think it is a perfect place to sit while you ponder.


    • whollyjeanne

      Isn’t it cool? I would love to have one – a real one – and I would love to decorate it as a storytelling chair. And you know, I just might do that. One Day.

  3. Angela

    I also am intrigued by the storytelling chair.  And your stitching. And your train of thought. xo

    • whollyjeanne

      Thank you, Sug. Don’t you love the tradition of the storytelling chair – always available, always welcome, always hospitable, always ready.

  4. Merry ME

    Could you point me in the direction of more information on the storytelling chair? I’ve googled it and only get stuff about storytelling. Not the chair.

    • whollyjeanne

      sugar, i can’t find reference to it either. i’ve googled and combed back through my archives. it’s something i remember from umpteen years ago. one of the few things i read that stuck with me;) so sorry.

Pull up a chair why don't you, and let's talk . . .

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