+ Her Barefoot Heart

Tag: 70273 Publicity

WXII Coverage of The 70273 Project

L to R: Bethany, Andy (The Engineer), Moi, Chris

Thanks to Hurricane Irma, we have been without power, phone, and internet since Monday night. It just came back on, so this will be short because it’s still flickering and promising to go off again at any time. Just thought y’all would like to see the video and article Bethany Sharpton created for WXII 12 News. Go here to see it on their site and here to see it on Facebook. Please share to help spread the word and comment to show Bethany and WXII our appreciation.





WXII Came A-Calling

Q: How do people find out about The 70273 Project?
A: Through high tech social media and good old-fashioned grass roots spreading and every way in between.

Jeanne and Bethany with her first quilt. She had to borrow a sewing machine and rotary cutter. We’re talking total novice, y’all.

So once upon a time, there was a lovely lass named Bethany, a newspaper reporter on assignment. When Bethany commented on the lovely quilts, the tables were turned and she was asked if she was a quilter. Her answer that day was no, but soon enough, our Bethany took the advise of the woman she was interviewing and signed up for one of Denniele Bohannen’s classes, and the rest, as they say,  is her story.

Then the day came when Bethany landed a job just over yonder from me  in North Carolina, and today she and Chris brought the camera and microphone and spent the morning in The Dissenter’s Chapel & Snug (my studio) looking at The 70273 Project quilts, asking good questions, and listening to my answers and stories. I don’t know when I’ve had so much fun, y’all.

In her star quilt, there were bicycles for her mother, an avid cyclist . . .

and a nod to science (atoms) for her dad . . .

and newspaper for journalist self. I see a theme in Bethany’s quilts: black and what and read all over. Or for those of you who don’t remember that childhood riddle, journalistic communication. It’s part of Bethany’s life, and it’s part of her quilty signature.

Bethany and her Churn Dash quilt she made in another one of Denniele’s classes. Note the backing fabric. Just sayin’.

And you know what else? Bethany brought a suitcase filled with her beautiful quilts and treated me to a private showing-for-one exhibit of her quilts. Pinch me.

Chris wanted to get a shot of me making blocks on my sewing machine – a 44 year old beauty The Engineer bought for me with proceeds from winning two radio contests the first year we were married. Now for all you eagle-eyed stitchers and non-stitchers who like finding bloops in films, if you  see this story  on the WXII  web site, you’ll chortle when you note that I ran out of thread before I’d stitched a single leg of a single red X. “Keep stitching,” Chris said, so I stitched and stitched and stitched some more . . . without any thread in the bobbin!

You’ll be hearing more about Bethany and Chris in another blog post coming later this week, so stay tuned.  Thank you, Bethany and Chris, for this wonderful opportunity to let people know about The 70273 Project. It was so much fun, and I’m serious about y’all coming back with your families for a weekend. I’ll leave the light on.

Fayette Woman Magazine

Fayette Woman magazine, December 2016 issue, Page 20

It’s a beautiful article – the layout is award-winning calibre – and I am ever so grateful to Joyce Beverly, publisher of Fayette Woman magazine, for giving me the opportunity to let others in my hometown know about The 70273 Project.

Fayette Woman magazine, December 2016, page 21

Many of you have asked for a copy, so I’ve included several ways to find the article . . .

Fayette Woman magazine, December 2016, page 22

For a limited time, you can find us on the home page of the Fayette Woman website. Or you can read about us on the blog.

Fayette Woman magazine, December 2016, page 23

Maybe you want to read the entire December 2016 issue. (We’re on pages 20-25, and you simply tap the lower righthand corner to turn the pages.)

Fayette Woman magazine, December 2016, page 24

And if you want just the article, you can download the .pdf version.

Fayette Woman magazine, December 2016, page 25

Feel free to share it on your Facebook timeline, post it on your biog, or print as many copies as you need to give to friends and family and people who might want to make blocks or piece or quilt of The 70273 Project. Oh, and remember to print a copy for your scrapbook because Joyce has given us permission to use it as we will to benefit The 70273 Project. A request from me . . . please be sure to give Joyce Beverly and Fayette Woman magazine credit and include a link to the web site (www.FayetteWoman.com). And while you’re at it,  maybe you want to give Fayette Woman a little love on Facebook.

Word’s Getting Out: International Quilt Festival Quilt Scene 2016 Magazine

So this came in the mail today . . .



Thank you, assistant editor Katie Chicarello for including us in your International Quilt Festival Quilt Scene magazine! If you’re on facebook, maybe you want to click on the link to show them a little love and thank them for including us.

Do you know of a periodical that might print an article about The 70273 Project? If so, please send me an email or drop off a comment. (Bonus points if you send me specific information like who to contact and a link or an email address.)