+ Her Barefoot Heart

Tag: 70273 gatherers

Making a Quilt and Registering It with The 70273 Project

Blocks from Australia made by Faye and Elizabeth (Libby) Cook

You’ve made blocks
or maybe your family
or your quilt guild
or your school
or your church
or your shop
or your club
made blocks.
You’re sure that the base of the block is white or slightly off white fabric and that there are two red X’s on each block (no more, no less) and only two red X’s (no letters, initials, words, names, or numbers). Once that’s been tended to . . .
Would you like to take those blocks and turn them into a quilt for The 70273 Project? You can do that, you know, and the good news is that it’s easier than ever. For a quilt to become an official part of The 70273 Project, it must be registered with me, Jeanne Hewell-Chambers, and here’s how you do that:

Once the quilt or even the quilt top is finished, send me the following information:

  • 2 high resolution photos of the full front of the quilt
  • 2-3 high resolution detail photos of the quilt
  • finished dimensions of the quilt
  • month and year the quilt was completed
  • the total number of lives commemorated (# of blocks) in the quilt
  • the names and country of residence of each person who made blocks used in the quilt
  • information about dedications if blocks were made in honor or in memory of someone
  • name and country of residence of the person who Pieced the quilt, Quilted the quilt, Finished (binding and hanging sleeve) the quilt
  • a current, working email address of the person who has the quilt in their possession
  • scanned or photograph images of all Provenance Forms from people who made blocks for the quilt. Note: This saves money on postage because once you’ve received a confirmation of readability and receipt from me, you can destroy the originals. I reiterate: Do not destroy the original forms until you receive a confirmation of receipt and readability from me.
  • photos and story bits about the making of the quilt (For example, Where was the quilt made? Was it made at or for a special event? Was any special cloth used in the quilt, such as a tablecloth that belonged to someone special, or baby clothes, or clothing belonging to ancestors)? How did participating in The 70273 Project make people feel? Why did people participate?)


Every one who makes a block that is used in the quilt must complete and sign a Provenance Form. I need scanned or photographed copies of every Provenance Form. As mentioned above, you can use email or dropbox to send them to me, but hang onto the originals until I’ve emailed you a confirmation of readability and receipt.


Once I receive this information, I will assign the quilt a number, place it in the official 70273 Project database, create and email the quilt label to the person who has the quilt in their possession. That person, or the person of their choosing, will print the quilt label on fabric and hand stitch it to the back of the quilt in the lower right-hand corner as you look at the back for the quilt. Do not attach the binding over the quilt label. Once the quilt label is attached, please send me a photo of the back of the quilt showing the quilt label.


Please post photos of quilts in progress in social media, and please be sure to tag me because I keep copies of these photos in each quilt’s registration folder. (See the icons in the upper righthand sidebar for places to find me in social media.) I will not register quilts (which means they will not be an official part of The 70273 Project) I see posted on Facebook unless and until I have received all of the above information.


Finished quilts can be mailed to me at the address on the Provenance Form. In the foreseeable future  I will be making arrangements to get all the quilts back to HEARTquarters for taking professional photos and preparing for The Great Gathering and Launch, so any changes in possession of quilts must come through me so that I always know where each quilt is located.


If you’ve made a quilt and have not sent me the above required information – if you have not received an official The 70273 Project Quilt Label from me – please send me the information  now, even if you’ve already completed the quilt and attached your own label.


Blocks in your quilt will be assigned numbers and added to the official block count once I have received the quilt.


  • Now that you’ve read this, do you notice anything? Right! You no longer have to scan and tag each individual block or make the quilt map to show block placement! (You’re welcome.) As long as I have the information requested in this post, we’ll all be just fine. However, if you are a Piecer who finds it helpful to create a quilt map showing the placement of each block, please send me a digital copy for your quilt’s file because often the information on those maps helps me, too.
  • The information on this page applies to any kind of quilts you’re making: Block quilts, Middlings, Long Skinnies, or any of the other ways to make quilts that I’ll be telling you about in the next couple of months.
  • If you are not comfortable enough with technology to take and email photos or to print the label on fabric, promise me you won’t be embarrassed or let that keep you from making a quilt. Simply make your quilt – stitch it full of kindness and compassion – then mail it to me with your Provenance Form, and I’ll take it from there. (The mailing address is on the Provenance Form.)
  • Once your quilt is registered as an official quilt of The 70273 Project, it becomes the property of The 70273 Project, Inc. and will travel the world with the other quilts, fulfilling the three-point purpose of The 70273 Project: commemorating those who died, celebrating those with special needs who live, and educating all who will listen. Thank you for helping me stay organized and have all the information I need on each quilt. For your convenience, I will be adding a copy of this information as a file in the Facebook group. If you have any questions, just holler.  And most especially, thank you for helping commemorate the lives of these 70,273 people.


Join us in social media:
Facebook group, French
Facebook group, English
Facebook page





Gatherers and Groups: Another Way to Make Quilts

KittySorgenBlockssome of Kitty Sorgen’s blocks


UPATE: This post is now outdated (this way is waaaay too much work!), so please go here to receive up-to-date information about making quilts using blocks from you and your group. Thank you.


Calling all over achievers, natural born leaders, and pure bred angels . . .

Yesterday I revealed a new way to make quilts for The 70273 Project. Today we need to talk more about the systems that need to be in place to allow y’all the space to be creative and still get me the information I need. (Important note: This system is subject to change as suggestions come in and as we begin to implement it and discover better ways.)

First, the vocabulary:
Gatherers are the people who raise their hand and offer to (a) get members of a particular group to make blocks that are, in turn, pieced and quilted as a Group Quilt in The 70273 Project. Maybe you’ll invite coworkers to contribute a block, maybe you’ll ask classmates or members of your bridge club or maybe you’ll offer to gather blocks from nearby geographical areas and turn them into quilts. Gatherers take the lead and accept responsibility for gathering blocks and turning them into quilts.

Group Quilts is this new category of quilts. Instead of making quilts from a random selection of blocks contributed by Makers, blocks are contributed by members of a specific group or geographical area, and the eventual quilt represents their group’s participation in The 70273 Project.

Now here’s what we really need to talk about . . .


This is a screen shot showing some of the information I keep on each and every block that’s contributed to The 70273 Project. Even though the Group Quilts will come to me as a complete quilt instead of as an envelope of blocks, I still need this information for each block, so here’s what I’m proposing:

  1. If you have a hankering to be a Gatherer, contact me via email or Facebook Messenger before you proceed. We’ll huddle up and get you ready to go.
  2. Once we’ve talked, you can start getting the word out, encouraging people in your group to make blocks. Set a timeline, if you like (that’s up to you), and let group members know how to get the blocks to you. (Note: blocks must be made following the guidelines we follow now: bases on white fabric cut in one of these sizes 3.5″ x 6.5″ (9 cm x 16.5 cm) or 6.5″ x 9.5″ (16.5 cm x 24.2 cm) or 9.5″ x 12.5″ (24.2 cm x 31.8 cm) rectangles with 2 red X’s applied. No writing or other embellishments on the block.)
  3. Make sure each Maker downloads, completes, and signs a Provenance Form to send to you with their blocks.
  4. When blocks arrive at your doorstep, you’ll need to take a photo  of (or scan) the Provenance Form and each individual block. Scanning works really well, too, in fact, that’s what works best for me, and you will, after all, become a mini-Jeanne, so maybe it’ll work better for you, too. Scans are easier to name and keep track of in your computer.
  5. Assign each block a temporary number using this file name format: Your Initials.The Temporary Block Number. The Maker’s Name, and the first digit of the block dimension. Play along with me: You are a Gatherer, and your name is Absolute Angel. The Engineer and I send you three blocks a piece, along with our signed Provenance Forms, of course. You scan the P Forms, then you scan each block, saving it in your computer as: AA.1.JeanneHewellChambers3.jpg; AA.2.JeanneHewellChambers6.jpg; AA.3.JeanneHewellChambers9.jpg and AA.4.TheEngineer3.jpg; AA.5.TheEngineer6.jpg; and AA.6.TheEngineer9.jpg. Make sense?
  6. Create an i.d. tag for each block by writing the name (as generated in #5) on a small piece of cloth or a small piece of card stock paper and pinning it to one of the red X’s using a safety pin or one of those micro fastener gizmos (the 4.4mm size works perfectly), if you have one. This identification tag will remain on the block throughout Piecing and Quilting, and I will remove the tags once I have the quilt in hand and have all the information I need for the database and the quilt label.
  7. Piecing and Quiltlng is the same as always. MJ Kinman will make sure you have everything you need to know to get creative and get ‘er done.
  8. When the quilt is finished, get it to me (remember: with the temporary i.d. tags in place on each block) along with the Provenance Forms for each Maker, the name and contact info for the Piecer, and the name and contact info for the Quilter. And hey, if you want to hand deliver, come on out here and let the falls that run right (and I do mean “right”) by our house be your lullaby.

As a Gatherer, you’ll basically be doing what I do – making sure that each person who touches this project gets credit and that we can track who created which blocks. You can elect to be a Gatherer and a Maker and a Piecer and a Quilter or any combination of the four roles. Whatever hats you choose to wear, you will be responsible for the seeing that the quilt gets finished by the guidelines already in place, that it finds its way back to me, and that I know who all I need to thank.

Now listen, y’all, after reading yesterday’s blog post, Jan Ebbott MacFayden messaged me, raising her hand to be a Gatherer, Piecer, and Quilter for folks in the New Zealand and Australia neck of the woods. Jan writes:

Hi Jeanne, I have recently joined your inspirational group and have posted a share about the group on my FB page. I mainly make quilts to donate to the needy but this project really speaks to me. I started working with the disabled as a volunteer when I was 16, then went on to become a nurse and now work as a hospital manager. I have asked for blocks to be sent to me and will make them into quilts and send them on to you. I’m happy to receive blocks from other Australians and New Zealand if that is OK with you. Please feel free to post this on your group FB page if this is OK with you. Thank you for allowing us to participate in making your vision a reality. Hugs, Jan Mac, Australia

Have I told y’all lately how much I love my job? Y’all are magic. Pure, unadulterated magic.

Anyway, you can find Jan on facebook and on her good blog. And hey, for all you prolific Makers in Australia, maybe this can save you some postage money. Jan already  has ideas about how she’ll get the quilts to me, and I can’t wait till the day when I call her Sugar to her face.

In addition to commemorating those who died and celebrating those who live, I am committed to creating something y’all will feel proud to be a part of, something that you will be honored to have your name attached to. Big huge thanks to each and every one of you for making my job so enjoyable, meaningful, and easy.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas, just holler.
