It’s the most wonderful time of the year when people around the world gather and spend time with beloved friends and families . . . SO . . . when you get tired of hearing the same ole’ stories, when that one certain family member is stomping on your last nerve, when the kids are running around like chickens with their heads cut off, it’s time to pull out fabric and thread and make some blocks for The 70273 Project.

Blocks made by Susan Burch and her Grandchildren

2 of Laurie Dunn’s adorable Grandchildren spent time at the beach making blocks (and decorating shells, some of which they sent to me with their blocks).
If it’s just too cold to send the little darlings outside to run off some of that energy, sit ’em down and make some blocks. You make one red X and your grandchild makes the other red X.

Blocks made by Siblings Peggy Thomas, Linda Moore, and Pat McGregor
Instead of sticking your tongue out at your sister or making horns behind your brother’s head when someone points a camera in your direction, thread your needle and make Sibling Blocks. One siblings makes a red X’s on a block, then another siblings adds the second red X. Depending on how many siblings you have, it may take several blocks before everybody has made a block with each sibling (and that’s just fie with me).

Kitty Sorgen’s family work on the blocks for their family quilt

Quilt #31: The Sorgen / Urbach Famliy Quilt
When Grandpa takes an afternoon nap and snores so loudly you can’t hear yourself think, take a cue from Kitty Sorgen and get everybody involved in making your own family quilt. Everybody makes their own blocks OR pairs of family members can make collaborative blocks, each making on red X. With no minimum or maximum number of blocks, you can put up needle and thread when ready. After the holiday, you or another willing soul can turn these family blocks into a quilt for The 70273 Project.

A collaborative block made by Nancy and me. She drew in red, then I printed her drawing on fabric and used it to make the two red X’s.
And when you reach the point where it’s grab some time to yourself or climb the walls and swing from the chandelier, quietly pick up your cloth, scissors, and thread and go make blocks with only one red X then send them to me and I’ll add the second red X.
~ Blocks are made per usual – in one of three sizes with two (or one if we’re collaborating) red X’s.
~ Just like always, everybody needs a Provenance Form.
~ Please make a note in the upper righthand corner of each Provenance Form and let me know if the blocks are to go into The Grands Quilt; The Siblings Quilt; or the I Collaborated with Jeanne Quilt.
~ If you opt to make a family quilt and can’t find anybody to piece and quilt it, make a note in the upper righthand corner of each Provenance Form that this is the _________ Family Quilt then send me the blocks and Provenance Forms and I’ll find a volunteer. (Who will become like a valued member of your family. Trust me on that.)
~ Right this way for more information about Collaborating with Me.
~ For more information about Grandparents/Grandchildren Blocks and Family Quilts, go here and here.
~ Go here to find out more about making Siblings Blocks.
Now, go enjoy your time together.
Oh, if you’re looking for a gift for someone who has everything (related to you or not), we love being elves, so consider making a donation to The 70273 Project in their honor. Let us know if you want us to send them a handwritten note letting them know, and we’ll sure do it. And hey, thank you.
here ‘n there