

i can’t explain it.
it’s just one of those things.
one of those crazy things i have to do
i just have to:
a piano.

yes, a piano.

i’ve tried to get to the bottom of it
to satisfy inquiring brains
that work and wonder
that way.

maybe it’s because
i read
grand obsession: a piano odyssey last year . . .
but i don’t really think so because
perri was looking
to purchase a piano
not deconstruct one.

maybe it’s because
i need a hobby . . .
but i don’t really think so because
i have trouble stuffing everything
into my days as it is.

maybe it’s because
i need an outlet
for my frustrations . . .
but i don’t really think so
because i’m not looking
to destroy the piano,
i just want to take it apart
con grazia . . . with grace.


  1. Lollygagger

    I'm always amazed at how much I want to take things apart, figure out how they work. See the insides with an appreciation. You're not alone 🙂

  2. whollyjeanne

    Hey Molly! I have a feeling I'll be taking part more than just a piano before it's all said and done. I'm itching to see the insides. 'Tis always good to have your company.

  3. glennis

    interestingly, we just disassembled a pump organ
    a really old one
    its life was over, ended in a rainy alley all alone
    found by a young but hopeful musician
    who dragged it home
    only discovering its bellows had breathed their last breath
    its rain soaked ivories separating from their wooden fingers
    we fought- what were you thinking?
    reluctantly, we pulled it apart
    piece by piece
    discovering the voice within
    we saved its vocal chords
    its ivories
    and its perfect porcelain pulls
    they are quite lovely
    now grace the musicians studio

    the shell sits in a pile in the corner of the yard awaiting a backyard summer fire
    and a bottle of wine.


  4. whollyjeanne

    oh, glennis. how lovely. how exciting. gives me goosebumps.

  5. mrsmediocrity

    That was lovely, and intriguing…and sounds like quite the undertaking. But I have a feeling you can do it.
    P.S. In case you missed my tweets, George is doing better, his bloodmwork numbers are almost normal, so he will be having surgery on Wednesday. And thank you, again, for being so kind.

  6. whollyjeanne

    well hey there, mrs. so-called mediocrity. i did catch a tweet about george, but i appreciate the update. thanks for keeping me posted. one day soon i'm gonna switch over to email and tell you about a program my daughter wants to start One Day. another one of her good ideas.

  7. alligator_kate

    I love these kind of impulses. The questions are the best part. Looking forward to reading more about this one!

  8. Julie Daley

    “i just want to take it apart
    con grazia . . . with grace.”

    Con grazia, there is no because…there just is.
    Sometimes, there just is no because.
    Sometimes, there is only the desire. Everything else comes after the impulse.

    I love coming here to your neck of the web and soaking up what you write con grazia, darlin'
    I was really hungry, now I'm sated. Yum.

  9. susanreep

    I love everything you write – wish I could write like you! Your style is peerless.

  10. whollyjeanne

    and on a moonday, too, right kate?;)

  11. whollyjeanne

    yep, just because. or justbecause. that's my word of the year, since for some cockamamey reason i decided it had to be “a” word.

  12. whollyjeanne

    thank you, susan. hope the boxes are dwindling rapidly as you settle.

  13. olive & hope

    I can't wait to see what awaits you on this journey. justbecause. just because you are doing it. xo

  14. emma

    Can't wait to learn all the bits and parts your exploration reveals. May the journey be grande!

    p.s. so happy to see you tinkling the letter keys back here as well as the ivories.

  15. Jennifer Prentice

    I love that you're doing something just because you want to do it. We should all be so determined to pursue an activity for the sake of the activity itself and our desire to do it. I have no doubt that the deconstruction will yield many thoughtful, beautiful entries and I can't wait to read them!

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Hey, Sugar! I'm Jeanne Hewell-Chambers: writer ~ stitcher ~ storyteller ~ one-woman performer ~ creator & founder of The 70273 Project, and I'm mighty glad you're here. Make yourself at home, and if you have any questions, just holler.

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