We exceeded our goal  – THANK Y’ALL – and  there’s still much to do. Please read over our Help Needed opportunities, and let me know how you, your organization, your guild, your family, your friends are willing to help.

Piecers and Quilters

Peggy Thomas, Angel Leader,  has many bundles of blocks  ready to send to people willing to piece and/or quilt. If you’re willing to take one or more bundles, let me know 
~ how many bundles you’re willing to receive
~ whether you want to piece and quilt or just piece
~ where Peggy should send them (a.k.a. your mailing address).

Data Angels

Remember that online searchable database that will tell you where in the world your commemorations and quilts are on any given day? Well, it’s time to get it up and running, and step one is getting more Data Angels to enter the information in the database. If you know you way around a spreadsheet, are fluent in Excel (PC) or Numbers (Mac), and are willing to lend a hand entering the information from the comfort of your own space, let me know and send me:
~ your email address
~ what type of computer you use
~ whether or not you know how to use Dropbox.

L to R, Front to Back: Helper Angels Peggy Thomas, Kim Mashburn, Meera Sarin, and Patty Gullick at the Peachtree City, GA Library 20 Feb 2019

Hands-On Angels

If you live anywhere near Peachtree City, Georgia and are willing to spend some time at the Peachtree City Library every now and then doing non-sewing tasks like putting number tags on blocks or sorting the blocks into bundles, let me know, and I’ll pass your name along to Patty Gullick, our Helper Angels Leader so she can make sure you know next time she schedules a Project Work Day.

We will soon need volunteers to help Laurel Alford, Leader of Labels Angels to sew on the official project labels. If you’re willing to show up and spend some time at the Peachtree City Library sewing labels onto quilts and/or take some quilts and labels home to work on, let me know.

WIP Angels

If you are working on blocks or quilts made by you or your group and if you are Piecing and Quilting a bundle of blocks Peggy sent you before now, we need to get those back to Heartquarters so we can get them checked-in, create and attach the labels, and enter everything in the database. Here are the deadlines:
~ Blocks need to be received by July 31, 2019.
~ Tops from Bundles sent to you before now need to be received by July 31, 2019.
~ Quilts from Bundles sent to you before now need to be received by July 31, 2019.
~ Quilts made by you or your group need to be received by July 31, 2019.

Please be sure blocks and quilts follow the guidelines, as always.

If you volunteer to have Peggy send you some bundles and turn them into quilts,  those quilts need to be received by October 31, 2019.

If your organization, school, college, university, guild, or other group wants Jeanne to do a presentation and host a block drive on site, that is absolutely still possible. Just let me know.

Thank you for continuing to help make The 70273 Project happen. There’s much news to come, so be sure you don’t miss anything by getting blog posts and the newsletter emailed directly to you.