haiti: ways to help

people never cease to amaze me in their generosity and willingness to help those in need. what happened in haiti is beyond the scope of my imagination, and the myriad of ways people are offering assistance to haitians is near-overwhelming. small businesses, entrepreneurs, individuals, corporations, and non-profit organizations are stepping-up to help, and they need your donations. as you go through your day, pay close attention. do you wear glasses? there are people in haiti who need glasses. when you put your shoes on, think about all the people in haiti who are without shoes. when you get a drink of water, remember that haitians get thirsty, too. diabetes, heart conditions, developmentally-delayed people, children, and the elderly are segments of the population holding parts of my heart. what are the things you and those you love need to survive daily? there are people in haiti who need the same things – things they are not able to get right now. this is by no means an exhaustive list*, but if you’re looking for ways to help, here are some opportunities you might want to check out.**

there are small businesses and entrepreneurs who are giving of themselves:

  • kelly diels, the crackerjack writer of the blog called cleavage organized and motivated the twitter troops to donate what they have. read how you can join the cause and/or scroll on down to go shopping from the vast buffet of people who’ve donated their goods and services and help yourself while you help others.
  • aidan donnelly rowley is donating $2 for every comment left on her blog. (this from danielle la porte, author of the blog called whitehottruth.com. and just so you know, danielle donated the proceeds from one of her fire starter session. no small thing – the donation or her work.)
  • my friend, lindsey, is donating $2 for every comment on her blog, a design so vast left between now and monday morning, january 18.
  • update: another creative, multi-talented friend, kate is donating the proceeds from an herbal consultation.
  • update: and congratulations are in order for our alana who’s pregnant! she’s researching how to respond to the call for breast milk.
  • update: for a limited time, artist bryce widom is donating $15 from every purchase of The Return or Liberation prints.

to donate much-needed medical supplies, visit:

to provide assistance specifically for haitian children:

if basic needs (food, water, shelter, sanitation) is your thing, here are some options:

perhaps you’d like to help with shelter – transitional shelter, permanent shelter, and/or community shelter:

they need clothes in haiti:

  • shoes: everybody needs shoes, and if shoes are you think, here’s where you need to go.
  • alana reports that sports chalet is collecting shoes through january 31. they’re asking for gently-worn shoes that they’ll ferry over to soles 4 souls, but if you can’t bear to part with your shoes that are already broken-in, buy some to donate.

non-profit organizations are collecting and delivering various items of need:

other compilations of donation options:

  • on his blog, guy kawasaki lists 20 ways to help. (via my whipsmart friend, amanda at violetminded.com.) (just so you know, i was already working on this list when i learned of guy’s list. there may be overlap, but i didn’t copy off his paper.)

* i have no firsthand knowledge or experience with these organizations, so check them out and use your own good sense before contributing. i am receiving nothing in return for mentioning them here except the knowledge that i am doing what i can to help people who cannot help themselves right now.

** if you know of other outreach opportunities, let me know and i’ll add them to the list. i will be updating as needed.

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  1. Alana

    Thank you for this list.
    Sports Chalet is collecting gently worn shoes (men, women, children) until Jan 31st. They will go to Soles 4 Souls who is taking them to Haiti. I know there’s also a call out for breastmilk – will try to find that info and share it in case there are any nursing mamas (aside from me) who are reading 🙂
    .-= Alana´s last blog ..A new life for a new year =-.

    • whollyjeanne

      gosh, alana, i got so excited when i bopped over to read your blog that i forgot to mention sports chalet when updated and reloaded. i’ll go do that right now. thanks for the info . . . and CONGRATULATIONS!!!
      .-= whollyjeanne´s last blog ..haiti: ways to help =-.

  2. Alana

    Thank you for this list.
    Sports Chalet is collecting gently worn shoes (men, women, children) until Jan 31st. They will go to Soles 4 Souls who is taking them to Haiti. I know there’s also a call out for breastmilk – will try to find that info and share it in case there are any nursing mamas (aside from me) who are reading 🙂
    .-= Alana´s last blog ..A new life for a new year =-.

    • whollyjeanne

      gosh, alana, i got so excited when i bopped over to read your blog that i forgot to mention sports chalet when updated and reloaded. i’ll go do that right now. thanks for the info . . . and CONGRATULATIONS!!!
      .-= whollyjeanne´s last blog ..haiti: ways to help =-.

  3. Kate T.W.

    Wow. So happy to learn about soles 4 souls. Another way I can help. I’m going to donate the proceeds from an herbal consultation. So glad so many smarties are thinking up more ways to help. Thanks for this list and the links!
    .-= Kate T.W.´s last blog ..Mint and Mangoes =-.

    • whollyjeanne

      thank you for being one of those smarties, kate. you’re a peach.

      or maybe a mango.
      .-= whollyjeanne´s last blog ..haiti: ways to help =-.

  4. Kate T.W.

    Wow. So happy to learn about soles 4 souls. Another way I can help. I’m going to donate the proceeds from an herbal consultation. So glad so many smarties are thinking up more ways to help. Thanks for this list and the links!
    .-= Kate T.W.´s last blog ..Mint and Mangoes =-.

    • whollyjeanne

      thank you for being one of those smarties, kate. you’re a peach.

      or maybe a mango.
      .-= whollyjeanne´s last blog ..haiti: ways to help =-.

  5. Dian Reid

    i just donated to a local shop here in long beach for soles4souls…what a wonderful organization!!

    thanks so much for posting this list. there are so many things we can do if we get really creative—and we ARE!!
    .-= Dian Reid´s last blog ..Help Haiti Blog Challenge [Updated 1.15.10] =-.

    • whollyjeanne

      good info, dian. there are so many ways to get involved – and the people in haiti are going to need our help for a long time, so let me know if you hear of other ways people can help.
      .-= whollyjeanne´s last blog ..haiti: ways to help =-.

  6. Dian Reid

    i just donated to a local shop here in long beach for soles4souls…what a wonderful organization!!

    thanks so much for posting this list. there are so many things we can do if we get really creative—and we ARE!!
    .-= Dian Reid´s last blog ..Help Haiti Blog Challenge [Updated 1.15.10] =-.

    • whollyjeanne

      good info, dian. there are so many ways to get involved – and the people in haiti are going to need our help for a long time, so let me know if you hear of other ways people can help.
      .-= whollyjeanne´s last blog ..haiti: ways to help =-.

  7. Kate T.W.

    Jeanne– this one is flooring me. I know a guy who is willing to give up his savings for Haiti. He is matching funds with people, up to 10,000, matching each dollar that his friends donate. I happen to know that he is not super wealthy, but a regular guy, a research librarian. His generosity, especially in the current economic climate, is nothing short of amazing. What an inspiration.

    .-= Kate T.W.´s last blog ..Mint and Mangoes =-.

    • whollyjeanne

      that is amazing. and inspiring. thanks for sending it along – i’m gonna’ add it this morning. wow.

      .-= whollyjeanne´s last blog ..haiti: ways to help =-.

  8. Kate T.W.

    Jeanne– this one is flooring me. I know a guy who is willing to give up his savings for Haiti. He is matching funds with people, up to 10,000, matching each dollar that his friends donate. I happen to know that he is not super wealthy, but a regular guy, a research librarian. His generosity, especially in the current economic climate, is nothing short of amazing. What an inspiration.

    .-= Kate T.W.´s last blog ..Mint and Mangoes =-.

    • whollyjeanne

      that is amazing. and inspiring. thanks for sending it along – i’m gonna’ add it this morning. wow.

      .-= whollyjeanne´s last blog ..haiti: ways to help =-.

  9. TheWordWire

    What’s happening in Haiti is hard to wrap your head around, but you have a good way of bringing it all into perspective. Thank you for this list of ways to help.
    .-= TheWordWire´s last blog ..Photo Friday: Freedom Plaza =-.

    • whollyjeanne

      there are as many ways to help as there are people to offer help. like i said, this list is by no means exhaustive . . . and the list of assistance the people in haiti need is mind bloggling, too. as i go through each day – doing the simple, routine things – i think about the people there who have nothing but pain and heartache.
      .-= whollyjeanne´s last blog ..haiti: ways to help =-.

  10. TheWordWire

    What’s happening in Haiti is hard to wrap your head around, but you have a good way of bringing it all into perspective. Thank you for this list of ways to help.
    .-= TheWordWire´s last blog ..Photo Friday: Freedom Plaza =-.

    • whollyjeanne

      there are as many ways to help as there are people to offer help. like i said, this list is by no means exhaustive . . . and the list of assistance the people in haiti need is mind bloggling, too. as i go through each day – doing the simple, routine things – i think about the people there who have nothing but pain and heartache.
      .-= whollyjeanne´s last blog ..haiti: ways to help =-.

  11. emma

    This is a fantastic list. There are so many ways to help, so many choices. I love seeing the degree of willingness and generosity people reveal in times of crisis. I ache for the crisis itself.
    .-= emma´s last blog ..Pleasure Finds Friday: Panda Love =-.

    • whollyjeanne

      thanks, emma. it’s a small list compared to all the creative ways people are finding to help. i know that ache. it’s constant, isn’t it? and small, comparatively speaking.
      .-= whollyjeanne´s last blog ..haiti: ways to help =-.

  12. emma

    This is a fantastic list. There are so many ways to help, so many choices. I love seeing the degree of willingness and generosity people reveal in times of crisis. I ache for the crisis itself.
    .-= emma´s last blog ..Pleasure Finds Friday: Panda Love =-.

    • whollyjeanne

      thanks, emma. it’s a small list compared to all the creative ways people are finding to help. i know that ache. it’s constant, isn’t it? and small, comparatively speaking.
      .-= whollyjeanne´s last blog ..haiti: ways to help =-.

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