we traveled above the clouds
but not in denver
so i can’t blame the altitude
and the temperature is quite comfortable
so i can’t blame the heat
dry or otherwise.
and i have a lot to do,
but none of it is here with me
my cell phone doesn’t work here
and we don’t really know that many people here
or belong to any clubs or organizations
so there are no social obligations requiring my time and attention.
so as far as i can tell
i have no excuse
no discernible, easily recognizable reason
for running on empty
coughing up dust
seeing cobwebs.
i’ve got nothing
right now.
nothing, i tell you.
i’m trying to finish up a couple of pieces
but can’t quite get theref
can’t get to that satisfying “yes”.
i’m shining
the proverbial light
down into the depths of the proverbial well.
i’m writing
even though the words lack oomph.
i’m stitching
though the result is a foreign language.
who knows why this sometimes happen
times when you can’t buy a creative idea?
thank goodness our scarlett was right:
tomorrow is indeed another day.
and maybe tomorrow
i’ll just whip me up a beautiful fitted
from some curtains.
oh wait,
we have no curtains.
another one bites the dust.
see what i mean?
guess there’s nothing to do
but go have some ice cream.
using the biggest spoon i can find.
that should do it.

Chocolate is the answer for all that ails us. Sometimes making bad art is better than not making any at all. Be gentle with yourself. Inspiration will come again. xo, Fran
i agree, fran: about the chocolate and keeping on keeping on.
Chocolate is the answer for all that ails us. Sometimes making bad art is better than not making any at all. Be gentle with yourself. Inspiration will come again. xo, Fran
i agree, fran: about the chocolate and keeping on keeping on.
Sounds to me like you’re filling the well so that you can draw water later on … allow yourself to simply be. The words will come ~ they always do (just not upon command)
makes me think of a quote i keep closeby: whatever is in the well will come up.
Sounds to me like you’re filling the well so that you can draw water later on … allow yourself to simply be. The words will come ~ they always do (just not upon command)
makes me think of a quote i keep closeby: whatever is in the well will come up.
just checked back over here to see if you’d been traipsing and telling. I don’t feel muse-less, just very reluctant to break the spell of living slow and moving even slower …
just checked back over here to see if you’d been traipsing and telling. I don’t feel muse-less, just very reluctant to break the spell of living slow and moving even slower …
absolutely –
mercury in retrograde? life in general? no freaking clue!
i’m blaming it on the mercury something-or-other grade. been a long dry spell, that’s for sure . . .
absolutely –
mercury in retrograde? life in general? no freaking clue!
i’m blaming it on the mercury something-or-other grade. been a long dry spell, that’s for sure . . .