A New Way to Make Quilts: Introducing the Long, Skinny

Meet The 70273 Project Quilt #34, our first Long Skinny.

62 blocks, 62 souls commemorated

15″ x  41″ / 38 cm x 104 cm

All blocks, piecing, quilting, and finished done by Gisele Therezien.

Would you like to make a Long Skinny for The 70273 Project?
Here’s all you need to keep in mind:

~ block guidelines remain the same: base of blocks is white or slightly off white in color / two and only two red X’s on each block / no letters, initials, numbers, words, or text of any other kind appear anywhere on the front of the quilt
~ finishing, binding, and hanging sleeve requirements remain the same
~ finished quilt must be 15″ or 38 cm wide and can be as long as you want.
~ when you finish piecing the top, email me the following information:
~ # of blocks
~ dimensions (width and length)
~ total number of people commemorate (# of blocks)
~ name of person or people who made blocks
~ name of people responsible for Piecing, Quilting, and Finishing the Long Skinny
~ month and year of completion
~ at least one high resolution photo of the entire front of the quilt
~ 2-3 high resolution closeup photos of the quilt
~ photos of the quilt in progress

When you email me this info, I’ll assign you a quilt number and information for the Quilt Label, and when the quilt is completely finished, send me photos of the finished quilt along with stories about the cloth and stitches used, what made you want to create a long skinny, why you chose to become involved with The 70273 Project and anything else you want to share.

Long Skinnies can be hung vertically (perfect for high ceilings or narrow walls) and horizontally (perfect for a display in an information booth or stall).

Whether you choose to make blocks, Block Quilts, Middlings, Long Skinnies, or make financial donations (use PayPal button in sidebar), thank you for helping commemorate the 70273 people who died so needlessly.






  1. Chloe

    Such a beautiful quilt, Gisele! I’ve always loved this format for art and seeing a 70273 Project quilt in this shape is very exciting 🙂 Thank you for being such an inspiration xx

    • Roxanne Lasky

      I also love the vertical format for fiber art. But that hand stitching… What # is this?

      • whollyjeanne

        Hey Sugar,
        And the beauty of the Long Skinnies is that they can be hung horizontally, as well – perfect for displaying at the back of an exhibit booth, for example. This is quilt #34, and yes, that hand stitching is divine. I love to look at scatter stitches, but I hate doing them;) xo

  2. Wendy Reed

    Oh Jeanne, I am so excited! I can now I can make a “skinny”. I am NOT a machine quilter which is why I have sent only blocks. I just bring myself to shove large quilts through my machine for quilting. I feel I can do 15″! I’ll get one out to you as soon as I can!!

    • whollyjeanne

      Wonderful, Wendy! In the next few days (hopefully – you know how life is), I will be posting how to get your quilt registered as an official part of The 70273 Project, so please check back. Important note: it’s not hard, just need you to send me a little specific information. I know what you mean about machine quilting! Makes my upper arms, neck, and back hurt just thinking about it! Can’t wait to see what you create. xo

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Allow me to introduce myself . . .

Hey, Sugar! I'm Jeanne Hewell-Chambers: writer ~ stitcher ~ storyteller ~ one-woman performer ~ creator & founder of The 70273 Project, and I'm mighty glad you're here. Make yourself at home, and if you have any questions, just holler.

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