
When you take your daughter to college (where she received a full-ride scholarship that she would forego at the end of her first year in favor of full, out-of-state tuition) (what, me, bitter?), you talk about all kinds of things on the ride up . . .

Lighthearted Stuff: Yes, that’s the Gaffney Peach. No, your eyes do not deceive you, it really does resemble a certain part of the human anatomy. Now get your eyes back on the road before you kill us both. We don’t get a refund at this point, you know.

Plain Ole’ Stuff: Thought I’d never find them (who knew Spencer Gifts were still around?), but I did and I bought you strings of beads to put over your door like I did when I went off to college. Well, yes, you’ll have a real door. I didn’t, but you will, I just know it.

Important Stuff: Yes, Mom, I promise you faithfully that I will not put you in any nursing home that won’t let you have your very own grocery cart.

It’s never too early to extract the important kinds of promises, you know.


Today’s post enkindled by my friend LindaMarie over on The Facebook.

Thank you for riding shotgun.
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