Today I begin NaNoWriMo for the third consecutive year. The idea is that by writing 1667 words every day in November, you’ll reach the end of the month with 50k words, the average size of a novel. So (almost) every day this month, I’ll be penning a minimum of 2k words because I’m an overachiever and a realist who knows Thanksgiving is a time I’m hard-pressed to string three words together let alone 2,000. But it will not slow me down on this project or the Sketchbook 2013 project. Nancy’s done her part, now it’s up to me to do mine, and I will. I surely will.
She is my developmentally disabled sister-in-law, Nancy,
and I am Jeanne, the woman who flat-out loves her.
Go here to start at the beginning.
Pull up a chair why don't you, and let's talk . . .