Winnie the Pooh Should Arrive Any Minute Now


Like a chubby fisted little boy bearing dandelions, The Engineer brings his First Batch of Honey into The Dissenter’s Chapel & Snug where I sit stitching. Later on, I can tell everywhere he’s been – floors, chairs, doorknobs, countertops – by the stickiness. 


Offering me a taste, he says proudly, “It doesn’t get more local than this.”


There’s a special piece of equipment, he tells me, that you can use to separate the honeycomb from the honey. “You’re in luck,” I tell him, “cause I’m in a makeshift mood.” And within minutes, I produce and donate some of my “special equipment” for the cause, and right now, even as I type, the honey makes its way through the cheesecloth separator that’s clipped to the rim of the bowl.

The Engineer, watching the honey slowly meander through the cheesecloth: I calculate we’ll need at least 30 quart jars.

The Artist: Though she wonders if a child’s teacup isn’t more like it, she says nary a word as she wipes down every single surface The Engineer has come in contact with since bringing the bowl of honey into the house. Not wanting to spoil The Engineer’s childlike excitement, she doesn’t shake her head or cluck her tongue. Not even on the inside.



  1. MichaelDouglas Jones

    A lovely, and loving, piece of prose. Three cheers for the engineer.

  2. moonie

    And just a smakeral of sweetness for your days…

    • whollyjeanne

      yep – about that much. the engineer is getting 2 nucs mid-april, and i’m thinking we need to plant the bees flowers that are more colorful and beautiful so they don’t have to feast on weeds.

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Hey, Sugar! I'm Jeanne Hewell-Chambers: writer ~ stitcher ~ storyteller ~ one-woman performer ~ creator & founder of The 70273 Project, and I'm mighty glad you're here. Make yourself at home, and if you have any questions, just holler.

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