+ Her Barefoot Heart

What Now?


Every time we visit Nancy,
I bring home a set of drawings.
First I scan them
then label them by set and drawing number
then I print them
and pin them to the fabric.


I stitch through the paper
then pluck the paper off
using lighted tweezers to get the teensy little bits out.

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I stitched two drawings a night,

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and when we got sick
and sat on the sofa all day,

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I stitched more than two,
so I finished more than a week ahead of schedule.

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It was quite satisfying
to have a quota, a schedule, a plan
and meet it.

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There are 95 drawings in In Our Own Language 4,
and I have no idea how to assemble them
now that I’ve stitched them all.
This is known as Entering The Unknown.
I’ve been in and out of The Unknown so many times,
I’m not too worried.
I’ll see something that sparks an idea
or dream up an image
or somebody will say “Why don’t you . . . “
and I’ll be off and running again.
So if you have any ideas . . .


  1. Sharon Tomlinson

    Make a book.

    • whollyjeanne

      You’ve got me thinking about that!

      • Sharon Tomlinson

        It would be wonderful. All about the tactile. Touching the lines and feeling Nancy’s language. I want to touch it. We can see it and you get to feel it while stitching. I want to hear it too with my fingers.

  2. Mo Crow

    agreeing with Sharon a cloth book would be purrfect

Pull up a chair why don't you, and let's talk . . .

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