I feel like time is moving at warp speed. Is this another one of those perks of aging: parts start to wear out and sag; you refer to anyone under a certain age as “kids”; and you wonder if your neck wrinkles are the body’s equivalent of bunnies, multiplying rapidly and seemingly overnight?
I’m staring at the end of another month like trying to stare down at my feet. Except my stomach is now in the way and I’m not even pregnant. How did this happen?! Yikes!
February’s book, “The Seamstress” , proved to be a slow-starter for me and I had to force myself to keep at it. After all, it wouldn’t do for me to not read the book I picked out, amiright? Just as I thought. Fortunately, it finally picked up steam and I was hooked. I’m looking forward to hearing what y’all thought (I hope it’s good) or if I’ll be out on my ear for picking a stinker.
Are you excited for March’s book?
Have you read each book, following along with related posts, or have you found yourself finally ready to dive into the book club and this one is the first for you?
It really doesn’t matter: veteran or newbie, we’re glad you’re here.
As posted earlier, this month’s book is “The Memory Keeper’s Daughter” by Kim Edwards.

Off to a running start, I can already see a few parallels to my own pregnancy experiences.
Back when I was pregnant with His Awesomeness, our soon to be high school graduate, we were asked about genetic testing. The outcome didn’t matter, but it was “the thing to do” and so, we did it. By the time I was pregnant with The Diva, we’d already decided against it, knowing we’d play the hand we were dealt and go on.
The second thing I can already relate to is a statement made by Norah Henry, the birth mother in the book, speaking about the birth of her twins with her sister. Thinking the girl baby had died, she said of visitors to her home who didn’t even mention her, “They act like, since I have Paul, I ought to be satisfied. Like lives are interchangeable.”
During The Diva pregnancy, I began lobbying for a tubal ligation because two babies were plenty for Himself and I. I mean, God gave me two hands, one for each of ‘em, and this struck me as divine logic. My Ob/Gyn tried to talk me out of it because “what if one of your children dies? You’d want another child to replace the one you’d lost.” I thought the world of this man, himself a father to a severely disabled child, and replied they were human beings, not tires.
I know some of you are moms to special children and I’m eager to hear what you think of this one at the end of March.
I hope announcing the book earlier has helped y’all put hands on a copy sooner, whether it’s through your local library or as a purchase. Please remember if purchasing through Amazon Smile, to choose The 70273 Project as your charity of choice, thereby helping to raise some funds to help continue this worthwhile endeavor.
If you have a title you’re especially fond of and would like to see as a potential Club selection, please PM me the details.
Happy reading, y’all!
here ‘n there