My bookcase – part library, part museum
Throughout my career as a college student, I took an overload of classes. Such is my nature. And now, thanks to sheltering-in-place and the willingness of so many teachers to offer their classes and workshops on zoom and other platforms, I am in overload heaven.
Here’s my current class schedule:
~ Get Right with Money offered by my amazing friend Nona Jordan
~ Yoga Nidra, also offered by Nona (Today is Day 21 of my self-designed 100+ Day Project: Operation Flexible Mind, Flexible Body.)
~ delicious offerings on quilting and life in general by my brilliant friend Jude Hill over at her internet nest called Spirit Cloth
~ Sharpened Visions: a Poetry Workshop (offered through Coursera by California Institute of the Arts)
~ Foundations of Positive Psychology, Resilience Skills (offered through Coursera by University of Pennsylvania. I’m writing a book about an incident in my family’s history – May 5 and 6, 1933 when my daddy’s family was held hostage by 5 armed bandits – and, judging by how they went on with their lives, resiliency seems to be something they excelled at.)
~ Art on the iPad, taught by Susie Monday
~ Convivial Creativity, offered by Carl Nordgren and Mark Tully through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, University of North Carolina Asheville
~ Dream Yoga/Lucid Dreaming, offered by Linda Go through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute University of North Carolina Asheville
~ Seven historical lectures about the War Between the States and life during that era
~ Writing Raw with my long time amazing friend Julie Daley
~ another one-time workshop on resiliency through the Resource Center for Women and Spirituality in the South
~ 4 art quilting classes I purchased a long time ago and kept meaning to get around to taking them
~ Supercharge Your Chakra Practice taught by A idea Judith
~ Sacred Beekeeping through DailyOM.com
For the longest time I have petitioned the Sweet Spirit of Surprise to make learning opportunities available that I can get to and afford. She delivered, and I am oh so grateful, though I can’t decide if my hoggish behavior will energetically support continued online offerings of interest or drive them away. Let’s go with what’s behind Door #1: continued opportunities for me to learn from the comfort of my own studio, a place I can get myself to without inconveniencing The Engineer to play Driving Miss Jeanne. On February, I was given permission to drive, but after my last eye treatment, I’m afraid to put myself behind the wheel of anything but my computer.
Gotta’ scoot. Class in an hour, and I’m still not dressed. Wait – it doesn’t matter what I wear, so I choose yoga instead.
Oh, and by the way, I ditched my old, clunky commenting system and now have a shiny new system that’s easy to use, so tell me: how are you spending your at-home time theses days?
here ‘n there