Tag: 70273 quilt 335

Jersey, Channel Island Quilts

Kim Monins and Gisele Therezien have been Ambassadors for The 70273 Project from the get-go (note the quilt numbers), ultimately convincing people in every Parish and most (if not all) of the reporters they contacted to make blocks. They’ve been involved in the project so long, in fact, that Kim was scanning and labeling each individual block just like I do here. That simply was not sustainable, yet I had already counted some of those individual blocks, so I’ve spent many spare minutes sifting through the good information Kim compiled along with my records to make sure I didn’t duplicate blocks. Now it is done, so allow me to introduce you to these beautiful Jersey, Channel Island quilts. Unless otherwise noted, all photos were made by Kim Monins. Don’t the quilts look right at home in this breath-taking landscape?

Quilt #35

Made by Members of the Jersey Modern Quilt Guild
Gisele Therein
Kim Monins
Liz Webb
Anne Hill
Sue Harris
Rosalie Hollis
Lorrain Brogan
Lucy Baker
Becky Porter
Val Porter
Ella Andrews
Jackie Tardivel
Ella Andrews
Angela Rybarczuk
Jenny Marshall
Karen Scott for beautiful people whose individualism never had the chance to shine
Elizabeth Webb for Capt. David Seath who died during the London Marathon 2016


Quilt #87

Quilt # 87 made by Gisele Therezien using blocks
made by Grouville parishioners in Jersey, UK
Janet Harrison
Julie Le Bailly
Christopher Clark
Margaret LeQuesne
Patricia Gurgan for The Doublet Bros.
Mandy Corbett
Dorothy Perriot
Cara Leanne Thomson
Anthea Pomroy
Karen Clark
Mobile Waring
Maureen Harrison
Miriam Higginson
Sylvia Milne
John Edward LeMaistre for Edna and Alan LeMaistre
Charlie McArdle for all those whose fate was sealed with 2 crosses
Ian Webb for Dianne Neal, great Aunt who worked at Bletchlley Park during WW II


Quilt #88

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by
St. Brelade’s  parishioners in Jersey, UK
Joanne Anderson
Margaret Bellee
Cara Bryant
Veronica Bryant
Betty Bullock for Elizabeth Nicholson
Joan Couvain
Maureen Cobon
Sheila de Caux
Betty Ellis
David Ellis
Laura Ferdinando
Sarah Fitz
Julie Long
Charlotte Monins
Daniel Monins
Steve Monins
Mrs. Rita Pinel
Sarah Raper
Fiona Smith
Sheila Sykes
Mrs. Pauline D. Tagg
Eric Vezie
Marlee Vezie
Susan Ann Le Gresley for Almire Norman
Revd Jo Milliner for all the wonderful contributions which those with Downs make to our world
Andy Milliner for all my mentally handicapped pupils I taught in my 30 years in Special Education
Helen Miles for Duncan Brian Sykes (brother born with Down Syndrome) and Autism Jersey


Quilt #89

Quilt made by Gisele Therezien using blocks made by
St. Clement’s parishioners in Jersey, UK
Sarah Weymouth
Natalie Payne
Cassie Leeuwenburg
Muriel Freeman
Irene Beaumont
Jean Anderson
Ann Laframboise
Christine Bunting

Quilt #90

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by
St. Lawrence parishioners in Jersey, UK
Lynn Bouchard
Mrs. Gladys Dunell
Mrs. Brenda Emmanuel
Jackie Le Brun
Lynne Lusby
Deidre Mezbourian
Mary Mimmack
Mary Moody
Holly-Hope Perrier
Ann Pipon
Sienna Springett
Simone Springett
Theo Springett
Norma Thomas
Margaret Ward


Quilt #91

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by
St. John’s  parishioners in Jersey, UK
Sandra Coutanche
Vivienne Day
Thelma Fry
Carole Gowlett
Suzanne La Marquand
Dary Monins
Pat Monins
Mrs. Jane Osborne
Emily Renouf
Sophie Renouf
Sue Renouf
Stuart Rowe
Denise (Dee) Shrives
Jill Keogh


Quilt #92

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by
Gladys Dunell for the Parish of St. Lawrence in Jersey, UK


Quilt #93

Quilt made by Gisele Therein using blocks made by
St. Martin’s parishioners in Jersey, UK
Mrs. Barbara Le Troquer
Jo Ann Perchard
Annie M. Richardson
Jane Hardy
Helen Toole
Diana Toole
Carole L Broco
Stephen Gooch
Mr. Michel Le Troquer
Anastasia Stone
Paddy Haversham-Quaid
Alice Ferguson
Susan Cuming for Sheila and Stanislaw Elimek
Lizzie Keogh
Miriam Gotrel-Hill
Megan Gaudin
Marlene Henley
Joan Richard


Quilt #94

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by
St. Mary’s  parishioners in Jersey, UK
Jennifer Bratch
Anne Harris
Sue Heppolette
Sharon Knight


Quilt #95

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by
St. Ouen Parishioners:
Loretta Cullinaine
Joyce Du Feu
Amy Milner
Emilia Milner
Carolyn Romeril
Mrs. Pauline Syvret
Alex Vautier
Mrs. Brenda Ann Pirozzolo for The Hurel Boys
Theresa Crehan-Ferey for Gary Marck Ferey (husband)


Quilt #96

Made by Kim Monins using blocks made by
St. Peter’s parishioners in Jersey, UK
Joan Adamson
Margaret Finch
Connor Le Cuirot
Val Le Cuirot for April Gren and Ivy Evans
Yolanda Logan
Pippin Newton
Freya Pallant
Brenda Smith
Jean M. Vibert


Quilt #97

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by
St. Saviour’s parishioners in Jersey, UK
Gisele Therein
Kim Monins
Liz Webb
Anne Hill
Sue Harris
Rosalie Hollis
Lorraine Whiting
Jane Mallet
Ella Andrews
Fatima Dos Reis
Linda Denny
Caroline Glamey
Ella Andrews
Lynsey Hairon
Julie Ferrey
Angela Journeaux
Astrid Corbel & Laura Goldstein
Tina Ware
Kathleen McGill
Linda Denny
Kerry Moisan
Tina Anne Ware
Lynsay Hairon
Linda Denneny
Caroline Blamey
Jane Mallet
Barbara Coram
Pat Derrien
Mary Milon
Janet Averty
Jean Renouf
Beverly Ferey
Margery Gallichan
Sue Quérée
Dawn Heaney for the none survivors
Sadie Le Sueur Rennard for Caroline Monamy


Quilt #98

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by
Trinity parishioners in Jersey, UK
Jennifer Bell
Philippa Bertram
Eliana Cowslip
Andrea Elcock
Poppy-Anne Elcock
Tammy Fage
Jayne Grochy
Alison Keogh
Karen Minty
Mrs. Margaret Moisan
Sarah Nugent
Jane Powell
Daphne Tingley
Mrs. J. R. Leighton for James Ross and Philip Leighton, our sons
Carol-Anne Philpott for all the people who suffered under the Nazis
Mrs. K. Powell for Victor Amos Letchford who died in France during World War I


Quilt #99

Quilt and blocks made by Kim Monins
for the Parish Of St. Brelade in Jersey, UK


Quilt #133

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by Jackie le Brun
for the Parish of St. Lawrence in Jersey, UK


Quilt #167

Quilt made by Gisele Therezien using blocks made by
Theresa Crehan-Ferey in memory of her husband
whose racing number was 67.
Photo by Gisele Therezien


Quilt #255

Quilt made by Gisele Therein, using blocks made by Barbara Le Troquer
for the Parish of St. Martin in Jersey, UK


Quilt #260

a Middling made by Sue Harris for the Parish of St. Brelade in Jersey, UK
(I met Sue when I was there to see the exhibit in January 2018.)


Quilt #261

a Middling made by Gisele Therezien
Photo by Gisele Therezien


Quilt # 273

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by Margaret Bellee,
for the Parish of St. Brelade in Jersey, UK


Quilt #335

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by
St. Helier parishioners in Jersey, UK


Quilt #336

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by Lynn Bouchard,
for the Parish of St. Lawrence in Jersey, UK


Quilt #367

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by Kerry-Jane Warner
for the Parish of St. Helier in Jersey, UK

Information on two Jersey quilts got lost somewhere between
this gorgeous spot of earth and me.
Will post I when the information on Quilt #337 and #394 is found.

And you want to know something fun and thoughtful? When Tari Vickery, The Engineer, and I were there in January 2018 to see the exhibit of all of these quilts at the Jersey Heritage Center, Kim drove us around to see most, if not all, of her photo locations. (Tari, Andy, and I plan to go back and visit One Day. It’s gorgeous.)

The addition of these quilts brings our new Block Count to . . . 41,084!

A huge thank you to Kim and her husband Steve; Gisele and her son Ed; and all the people who commemorated. I can’t wait to visit again.




Quilt 335 of The 70273 Project

A white quilt with paris of red X's being held on the beach in front of the ocean

Some of the first people I heard from when I launched The 70273 Project were Kim Monins and Gisele Therezein, two creative, talented, dynamo women who immediately stepped up and put Jersey, Channel Islands U.K. on The 70273 Project map. Here we see Quilt #335 made of blocks made by these residents of Parish St. Helier:

two red x's stitched onto a white background

two red X's stitched to a base of white fabric

aa pair of red X's - one large and one smaller - stitched to a base of white fabric

Helen Asplet
Maureen Baxter
Edward Bell
Alison Brown
Amanda Carroll
Louise Cave
Martina Coppinger
Vic Tanner Davy
Susan De La Haye
Doreen Drever
Kathleen Freeley
Gloria Freeman
Sue Frost
Steph HaIron
Annie Le Brun
Pauline Le Bailly
Emily Martin
Simon Mash
Jean McLaughlin
Dorothy Patterson
Yvonne Rabet
Anne Richardson
Paul Routier
Pauline Routier
Bailey Shaw
Eberhard Stegenwalner
Marlene Stegenwalner
Andrew Sugden
Julie Sugden

pairs of red x's stitched to a background of white fabric
Quilt #335 measures 46.5″ x 79″ (118cm x 200cm) and commemorates 100 lives. Kim Monins is the Piecer, Quilter, and Finisher, and she’s also the woman who took these gorgeous photos. Doesn’t #335 look right at home in nature? From January 7 to 28, 2018, the Jersey Heritage Center is hosting an exhibit of The 70273 Project Quilts made in Jersey, Channel Islands U.K., and  I’ll be profiling more Channel Island  quilts in the coming days and telling you more about Kim and Gisele. They’re awesome.

Remember to sign up for The 70273 Project XXtra newsletter. First edition coming out soon. And thank you for continuing to commemorate the 70273.

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Allow me to introduce myself . . .

Hey, Sugar! I'm Jeanne Hewell-Chambers: writer ~ stitcher ~ storyteller ~ one-woman performer ~ creator & founder of The 70273 Project, and I'm mighty glad you're here. Make yourself at home, and if you have any questions, just holler.

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