+ Her Barefoot Heart


A couple of weeks ago, my friend Marnie (who happens to be my son’s girlfriend) (Don’t you love when that happens?) told me about an art class she took once upon a year. The assignment was to paint a self portrait, and she just couldn’t get her nose to look on the canvas the way it looked on her face. She worked and worked and worked on it, and finally she asked for help from the instructor who did her a nose job in 3 quick strokes. Once done, Marnie began to look around and was surprised to see that the others were painting self portraits that looked like bananas or trees or flowers. She’d taken the assignment literally, others had taken it metaphorically. All painted a self portrait. All were right.

Since Marnie told me the story, I’ve seen myself in nature at least once a day. Here’s who and how I am today, in case you’re wondering:



  1. Susan F.

    Well, that’s a different way of looking at things and I totally get it. 🙂

  2. sorrow

    Oh boy.. How old Is Marnie? I taught a class about 15 years ago that was a painting class, and had my students do self portraits. I had 1/3 of them do actual faces, the rest did these very fascinating self reflections.
    I wonder..
    so my diamond in the rough.. do you see your self in the light emerging? or still buried in bedrock?

    • whollyjeanne

      or maybe the bedrock itself. somedays i’m one, other days the other. you know.

  3. Julie

    I see you!

    • whollyjeanne

      Ah, but am I the sparkly peeking out or the surrounding rock?! You were, of course, part of the conversation with Marnie. Told her about your visit to the museum a year or so ago. Shoes and ears, you know. Would’ve put it in the blog post, but that’s your story to tell. Such a great story it is, too . . .

  4. jane

    i know that face <3

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