+ Her Barefoot Heart

majestic cacophony




so intricately,
a coming together
of layers,
a plethora of unique parts,
made from different materials
in various shapes,
each part with its own designated purpose.

alone, there is no sound.

ah, but when the parts come together,
when they touch each other boldly
without hesitancy
or apology,
or even explanation, for that matter
such beautiful music
is born
and the world is
never the same.




  1. emma

    Oh my goodness! I love, I love, I love!!!

  2. mrsmediocrity

    And what beautiful music you are making with this…amazing!

  3. Julie Daley

    sweet. so, so sweet. and you wondered why you felt compelled to do this. the beauty is just beginning to unfold…

  4. PicsieChick

    How beautiful a poem, how true a metaphor. Look at all of our unique places / voices and the amazing music we raise together.

    You captured the intricacy of the masterful piano, matriarch of musical instruments, with such grace in your images.

    Wonderful. Poetic. Truth. Beauty.

    Hugs and Butterflies,

  5. AlanaSheeren

    You are amazing.

Pull up a chair why don't you, and let's talk . . .

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