i was never going to be a poodle owner (i love you, mom, but). and i’m still not, even though i do sometimes act like one.
i don’t know when happy time boarding started, but i know when i the s-p-a as we call it, having to spell it when phoebe (our welsh corgi) is within hearing distance until i have the keys in my hand and my hand on the door.
phoebe and i love this s-p-a because everybody who works there is friendly and accommodating (in spite of the headache they must surely have working in the din of incessant barking) (and i haven’t seen the first one wearing earplugs – amazing) though they may not know my name, they all know phoebe and every single one of them sounds sincerely glad to see her when i drop her off. and when i pick her up, well you’ve never seen such a heavily decorated corgi (i can’t imagine what pam’s ribbon bill must run every month) and she smells so good it really gets in the way of her ability to effectively herd the deer, squirrels, possums, and wild turkeys that trespass on a daily basis.
(warning: here’s where i really sound like a poodle mama.) and the accommodations? well, i’ve been thinking about asking if i could board myself there for a while. maybe i could get some serious writing done while wiling the time away here:

or here:

or especially here:

they’d make me take a walk and a break when needed. i could romp in the festive outdoor courtyard to meet my quota of socializing, and when time to get beautiful, they’d escort me to the grooming side where i’d get comfortable in one of the themed apartments there (no crates. no, no, no.) and relax till time to get my hair and nails done.
i could nap at will and without guilt.

or i could do what phoebe does when she’s there – just sit and watch the world go by:

i could be onto something here. yes, yes i could.
the stories are mine, but credit for the kindling goes to gwen bell and her best of 2009 blog challenge. today’s prompt: the best startup business encountered in 2009?
Technorati Tags:
#best09, #bestof2009
OH MY WORD! (yes, i know i’m “yelling”) – but who wouldnt’ be yelling? For pooches? Yes? My granddaughter would LOVE this (for the pooches and the accomodations!) — I love this – but there’s no way I’d fit on one of those beds!
I’ve heard of s-p-a-s like this (oh, i could’ve said “spa”, right? lol) but never saw pictures. Delightful!!
OH MY WORD! (yes, i know i’m “yelling”) – but who wouldnt’ be yelling? For pooches? Yes? My granddaughter would LOVE this (for the pooches and the accomodations!) — I love this – but there’s no way I’d fit on one of those beds!
I’ve heard of s-p-a-s like this (oh, i could’ve said “spa”, right? lol) but never saw pictures. Delightful!!
Love love love this – the photos, your confession… the whole thing.
Giggling, giggling, giggling!
Love love love this – the photos, your confession… the whole thing.
Giggling, giggling, giggling!
One more reason I envy my cat.
This just put a smile on my face and made my day. Thanks for sharing! Now I wanna see phoebe in all her ribbons!!
One more reason I envy my cat.
This just put a smile on my face and made my day. Thanks for sharing! Now I wanna see phoebe in all her ribbons!!