We’re skipping through the numbers now,
straying off the chronological path
as Envoy packets begin to wing their way back to me.
Today, signatures of fall
and signatures of Nancy.
She is my developmentally disabled sister-in-law, Nancy,
and I am Jeanne, the woman who flat-out loves her.
Go here to start at the beginning and read your way current.
And there’s a pinterest board, too.
and a beautiful tribute it is…
Jeanne, Michael’s mother savored this sort of quotation and her conversations were peppered with them. We’ve tried to remember them, with mixed success–it’s great that you’re writing these down.
I think your journey to Self, your willingness to dig deep for your own thoughts, opinions and feelings knowing that your are worthy and capable of having your own thoughts, opinion and feelings is a beautiful tribute too.
While she may not know how to express it without someone saying it out loud first ~ I’ve no doubt that your Mom is very proud of you.