Starting is, quite often, the hardest part for me, and since beginning my daily walking practice, that’s how I start: I walk. I move my body through space. I see parts of this beautiful rock we call Earth up close and personal. It gives me fresh perspectives and newfound confidence. It opens me up and leaves me eager (or at least ready) to start any creative project of writing or stitching, and today I have much writing to do.
Today we walk this bridge in Daytona Beach, Florida
something I would have found daunting before last year, something I suggest today.
There are birds
and clouds
and even a deliciously ancient tree
right at the end of the bridge . . .
or beginning of the bridge, depending.
They say that if you’re a hammer, everything’s a nail.
Maybe that’s why I see quilted water
and shadows of quilt lines.
There is, as you might expect, a most remarkable view from the top of the bridge.
There are even quilts of tile
portraying the rich variety of animal life around these parts.
and bald eagles.
Have you seen this?
My daughter, Alison, turned me onto it.
Caution – it’s addicting.
and my personal favorite: manatees.
I’m going to swim with them this year, you know,
just as soon as I feel comfortable
trotting this swimsuit-clad body out in public.
Manatees are called the gentle giants, and they remind me of Nancy –
slow moving, quiet, gentle, always smiling.
Speaking of Nancy, we’re here to move her this week. Stay tuned.
here ‘n there