5 113 1 erased

Today’s Envoy is Mary Ellington, also called Merry Me or just Merry by folks like me. I’ve had the good fortune to become friends with Merry here in the ethers, and I count myself incredibly lucky that our paths crossed. We have much in common, Merry and me – it’s almost like we just fell in beside each other, nodding in agreement and understanding as the other one talks. She’s a creative woman who loves cloth and writing (didn’t I tell you?!), and she writes with an earnestness that’s not stagey or pretentious, she simply writes from the deepest, purest part of her heart . . . which happens to be where she lives, too. Merry – Sugar, I thank you so very, very much for being an Envoy and taking Nancy and us with you on your recent trek across country to be with your daughter, Wendy and her new husband as they celebrated their union. What a treat to be with you, what an honor. Your Envoy excursion is so much fun!

Mary/Merry writes about the first set of photos:
Here are the pictures I took. I saw and did many new things while in Seattle. With the cloth in my pocket, I felt like I had Nancy’s hand in mine and we shared the sights and sounds together. Did you ever take your kids somewhere then stop for a moment to look at something only to turn around and they are gone – G-O-N-E? I admit to having that same panicky feeling a few times when I thought I’d lost the cloth. But, like stray kids, it always turned up safe and sound. The only picture I wanted that I didn’t get was one of the cloth in the cockpit of an airplane. I was just too frazzled getting on or off to even ask. I am so honored to be a part of this collaborative project.


Loved the title of this book in the Underground Seattle Gift Shop


Merry Me and #113
in front of a Native American Totem Pole
in Pioneer Square, Seattle, WA.


Inside one of the largest/oldest toy stores I’ve ever seen. Pioneer Square.


Flowers galore at Pike’s Market


With hydrangeas in a sidewalk garden


With the crows Illuminary created for the celebration


At the King Tut Exhibit, Seattle Science Center


With sunflower, Wendy’s wedding

And if those weren’t delightful enough, Merry found more photos she’d taken!
About the second set, she writes:
The pictures here were taken at my sister’s home in Selah, WA – over the mountains from Seattle. It’s called high desert and looks the part. All the green vegetation of the mountains turned to dusty brown hills. Anyway it’s full of apple orchards.

My brother-in-law is a self-taught landscape architect. I think that means he likes to dig holes and plant trees! What was once a big horse pasture is now a mini-arboretum. I took pictures of Nancy’s cloth early in the morning when there was still dew on the ground – on a grapevine, in the apple tree and amongst the lavender.







She is my developmentally disabled sister-in-law, Nancy,
and I am Jeanne, the woman who flat-out loves her.
Go here to start at the beginning and read your way current.
And pssst: there’s a pinterest board, too.